Salt Lake City

Public Lands Department

Fife Wetlands Preserve Gets Webpage With Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum of Utah (NHMU) doesn’t only catalog and exhibit the natural world of the past. The evolving natural world is both past and prologue, the present and the future. It’s an interesting thought to consider that natural history is something that occurs every moment of every day. And it’s often on particularly spectacular display within our natural lands that exist parallel to our built environment and urban landscape.

Indeed, our natural lands are great chroniclers of living history, and fantastic places to observe that history as it unfolds and changes day by day, from season to season, year after year. It’s part of what makes recreating on and escaping to these public natural lands so appealing for so many of us.

Observing that presently unfolding natural history is, naturally, of interest to the Natural History Museum of Utah. Which is why we’re pleased to share with you their new webpage dedicated to one of Salt Lake City’s premier natural landscapes along the Jordan River, The Fife Wetland Preserve.

According to the museum, “the Fife Wetland Preserve is Salt Lake City’s foremost native restoration effort along the Jordan River.”

And more than native habitat restoration happening at the wetlands “the preserve boasts surprising birdwatching and plant life viewing opportunities, accessible walking paths, and a peaceful atmosphere” states the new webpage on NHMU’s website.

For ongoing updates to volunteer opportunities, updates and programming events at the wetlands, subscribe to our Trails and Natural Lands newsletter, The Trailhead, sent to your inbox every quarter.

Fife is also a site frequently visited by community groups like Humanities in the Wild, as NHMU showcases, Tree Utah, and Public Lands volunteers who gather to remove litter and restore habitat. At Trails and Natural Lands we have some exciting things planned at the Fife Wetlands and look forward to telling you about them soon. In the meantime, enjoy this “beloved nature escape within the city” as the NHMU page declares, and discover the restorative power of simply being in a natural environment.

If you want to visit The Fife Wetlands Preserve, head to where the 9 Line Trail crosses the Jordan River, just north of the International Peace Gardens at Jordan Park. Let us know what you appreciate about the wetlands by tagging us using #SLCTrails and be sure to check out NHMU’s webpage to learn more about the site and the natural history the museum is tracking and observing there.

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