Zoning Text & Map Amendment of the “Power District” at approximately 1500 W North Temple
Petition Number: PLNPCM2024-00982
Application Type: Zoning Map and Text Amendment
Project Location: The project area consists of 93 acres of the Fairpark district, including 38 parcels at approximately 1500 W North Temple
Zoning District: M-1, TSA-MUEC-T, TSA-MUEC-C, TSA-SP-C, TSA-UC-C, and TSA-UN-T
Overlay District: Riparian Overlay District, Airport Flight Path Protection Overlay
Council District: D2 – represented by Alejandro Puy
Larry H. Miller Development, represented by Snell & Wilmer, is seeking approval to amend Salt Lake City’s zoning ordinance by creating a new zoning district known as the Jordan River Fairpark District (JRF District). This proposed district would rezone approximately 93 acres across 38 parcels, into a single zone to support the area’s redevelopment.
The JRF District would permit buildings up to 400 feet in height, with a 5-foot stepback required for structures above 200 feet. The proposal includes no minimum lot size or width, no setbacks, and no open space requirements. Additionally, development within the JRF District would be exempt from the City’s general plans and Design Review process. Development plans have not been submitted.
Under a new state law, the City and the applicant have until December 31, 2024 to enter into an agreement providing the applicant with an expedited process for review and approval of land use applications and vesting the applicant in any approved land use for a qualified stadium and related uses. If an agreement is not reached by that date, none of the property in the district will be subject to the City’s zoning, riparian, airport or other land use regulations.
Project Location
The project area consists of 93 acres of the Fairpark district, including 38 parcels at approximately 1500 W North Temple.
Additional Information
Next Steps
- Notice of this application has been sent to the Chair of the Fairpark, Jordan Meadows, and Poplar Grove Community Councils, where the property is located, who may choose to schedule the matter at an upcoming meeting. Please contact the chairs of these organizations to determine whether a community council will review this petition and when and how that meeting will occur. The contact information for these groups is as follows:
- Fairpark Community Council: Chaise Warr, fairparkcomcouncil@gmail.com, 801-870-3405.
- Poplar Grove Community Council: Daniel Tuutau, daniel@poplargroveslc.org, 385-295-0216.
- Jordan Meadows Community Council: Terry Marasco, tmarascoutah16@gmail.com, 775-293-0189
- Notice has also been sent to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the project to obtain public input and comments on the proposal. Notified parties are given a 45-day period to respond before a public hearing with the Planning Commission can be scheduled.
- During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.
- The Planning Commission will then hold a public hearing for additional public comments and make the final decision on the matter.
- The Planning Commission meeting for this item will be held on October 23, 2024
What is the role of the Planning Staff in this process?
Planning Staff processes the application, communicates with the applicant to understand the project, and seeks input from the community.
Public Comments and Questions
We want to hear from you! To submit a comment or question please contact the staff planner via email or leave a voicemail, your questions will be answered within a week after the comment period has ended.
- Start of Comment Period: September 3, 2024
- End of Comment Period: October 21, 2024
During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable zoning standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.
Amanda Roman, Urban Designer // amanda.roman@slc.gov // 801.535.7660
Cassie Younger, Senior Planner // cassie.younger@slc.gov // 801.535.6211