Salt Lake City

Planning Division

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Sunrise Metro & Atkinson Stacks 580 S 500 W

Sunrise Metro & Atkinson Stacks 580 S 500 W

Petition Number: PLNPCM2024-01254

Application Type: Planned Development

Project Location: 580 S 500 W

Zoning District: CG – General Commercial

Council District: Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy E.

Liza Hart, property owner representative, is requesting Planned Development approval to construct a 6-story addition to the existing permanent supportive multifamily residential development, Sunrise Metro, at approximately 580 S 500 W. The existing development and proposed addition will consist of a total of 218 deeply affordable dwelling units with rents between 25-30% of the area median income (AMI). The subject site is approximately 2.7 acres and is in the CG General Commercial Zone.

The proposal includes the renovation of the existing 4 story building which currently contains 100 residential units: 6 studios, 94 one-bedrooms, as well as case management and support service spaces. An additional 18 one-bedroom units are proposed to be constructed within the existing building. A 6-story addition is proposed to be constructed on the west (rear) façade of the existing building and will consist of 100 one bedroom dwelling units. The addition will contain ground floor amenities including case management offices, supportive services, a gym, food pantry, and pharmacy.

The proposed development is located within the boundaries of the Downtown Master Plan and is required to provide midblock walkways along the north and west property boundaries as identified in the plan (City code 21A.26.070.H).  Through the Planned Development process, the applicant is requesting a modification to waive the midblock walkway requirements for the proposed development. 

Project Location

Property located at approximately 580 S 500 W.

Next Steps

  • Notice of this application has been sent to the Chair of the Granary District Alliance, and Downtown Community Council where the property is located, who may choose to schedule the matter at an upcoming meeting. Please contact the chair(s) of these organizations to determine whether a community council will review this petition and when and how that meeting will occur. The contact information for these groups is as follows:
  • Notice has also been sent to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the project to obtain public input and comments on the proposal. Notified parties are given a 45-day period to respond before a public hearing with the Planning Commission can be scheduled.
  • During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.
  • The Planning Commission will then hold a public hearing for additional public comments and make the final decision on the matter.

What is the role of the Planning Staff in this process?

Planning Staff processes the application, communicates with the applicant to understand the project, and seeks input from the community.

Public Comments and Questions

We want to hear from you! To submit a comment or question please contact the staff planner via email or leave a voicemail, your questions will be answered within a week after the comment period has ended.

  • Start of Comment Period: December 24, 2024
  • End of Comment Period: February 7, 2025

During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable zoning standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.

Project Planner: Brooke Olson, Principal Planner


Phone Number: 801.535.7118

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