Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

1300 South (State Street to 700 East) Community Livability Project

The 1300 South Community Livability Project was implemented during the summer of 2013 to increase livability, safety, and mobility for all roadway users. The project transformed 1300 South between State Street and 700 East into a complete street with one vehicle lane in each direction, a continuous two-way left-turn lane and bike lanes. The project supports the community’s desire for a bike route on 1300 South and to improve pedestrian movement and safe crossings along arterial streets, as outlined in the 2005 Central City Community Master Plan.

As part of the city’s desire to determine project impacts, traffic volumes and speed data were tracked to determine any changes to those roadway characteristics.

Traffic Volumes and Speed Data

Traffic crashes were also monitored to understand the impact the project has had on crashes to help provide insights to further improve safety and livability within the corridor.

1300 South (State Street to 700 East) Before and After Crash Analysis