Salt Lake City

Community and Neighborhoods

(801) 535-6230

Real Estate


From time to time, Salt Lake City will engage in public projects that require the acquisition of Real property. The recent site acquisition for two new homeless resource centers within the City is an example of such a project. In addition, the City’s open space program has been purchasing open space properties in the City’s foothills in order to protect the hillside as well as expand and enhance the current shoreline trail system. What’s more, our Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) Division is actively looking for homes within the City that are in need of renovation to enhance the City’s affordable housing inventory. Once renovated, these homes are offered for sale through a very robust first-time homebuyer program. The Real Estate Services teams leads these important acquisition efforts in cooperation with our brokerage community to continue our mission to grow and improve our communities.


NOTICE: There are no Surplus Properties available for sale at this time.

Salt Lake City is the largest landowner within City limits. The majority of the real estate owned is to help provide City services to its residents. As a result, we have the necessary land to expand City services and infrastructure to maintain the growth of the City. Whenever there is a property that is no longer needed by the City, a surplus property disposition process is initiated that allows for the sale of these properties. Procurement rules require the City to list properties on the open market or to dispose of via a bid process or RFP (request for proposals). The occasion is rare where the City is able to sell property directly without a general public offering.

If you own property adjacent to a City-owned property and you are interested in acquiring, please contact


Property Management: Our team is actively involved in the leasing of City-owned properties as well as vacant land management throughout the City. If you are aware of issues on City-owned land that we need to direct our attention to, please contact