Salt Lake City

Ballpark NEXT

Ballpark NEXT: Project Update

As Salt Lake City reimagines the future of the 13.5-acre Ballpark Site at the corner of West Temple and 1300 South, the latest step in the journey was unveiled on December 10th: three design scenarios from our project partners, Perkins&Will. These scenarios represent potential visions for the site’s redevelopment and reflect feedback from the community and insights from previous planning efforts. The three design test fits will explore the opportunities that exist while considering total stadium reuse, partial stadium reuse, and complete redevelopment of the area and set the stage for the next phase of planning, with a final design to be presented in early 2025.


The Three Scenarios

Scenario 1: Preserve

Community Anchor: Sports
This scenario focuses on retaining and revitalizing the Ballpark as a community hub for multi-generational sports and year-round activity.

  • Vision: Retain the Ballpark Field and transform it into a vibrant, multi-purpose sports venue. This scenario embraces nostalgia while integrating local commerce and activities for the neighborhood.
  • Key Features:
    • Renovated stadium for long-term use.
    • Complementary uses such as farmers markets, festivals, and attractions on non-game days.
    • A regulation soccer field alongside the baseball diamond.
    • Ground-floor activation along the exterior with local businesses along 1300 South and West Temple.


scenario 1

Scenario 2: Partial Adaptive Reuse

Community Anchor: Culture
This vision reimagines the Ballpark as a cultural and civic landmark, blending art, performance, and community-driven activities while preserving parts of the stadium.

  • Vision:
    Transform the site into a vibrant cultural district celebrating diversity and creativity, while maintaining elements of the existing Ballpark stadium. 
  • Key Features:
    • Multi-purpose greenspaces for performances, sporting events, and open green space for the neighborhood to enjoy when events are not taking place..
    • Festival street along West Temple with pop-up events and markets.
    • Community park featuring restaurants, retail, and creative spaces.
    • Partial adaptive reuse of the stadium for mixed-use functions, including residential and creative spaces.

scenario 2


Scenario 3: Completely Rebuild

Community Anchor: Nature
This concept emphasizes reconnecting the site with the natural environment by integrating several different public green spaces into urban life and reviewing the potential of daylighting a portion of the three historic creeks beneath 1300 South.

  • Vision:
    Prioritize serenity and sustainability with park spaces and residential areas that seamlessly connect with nature. 
  • Key Features:
    • Possibility of daylighting the three creeks to create a signature feature.
    • Interactive landscapes for recreation and relaxation.
    • Tree-lined streets with bike lanes, lighting, and walkways.
    • Quiet residential areas surrounded by pocket parks and playgrounds.




How Did We Get Here?

This process began in January 2023, when the Salt Lake Bees announced their relocation, opening the door to re-envisioning this historic site. Through the Ballpark NEXT Design Competition and the Community Visioning Process, the City engaged with residents, stakeholders, and experts to develop a shared vision. Ideas from these efforts informed the current scenarios and will guide the final decision-making process.

What’s Next?

The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (RDA) and its partners will evaluate these scenarios and gather additional feedback. A final design will be presented in early 2025, and the selected concept will inform the Urban Design Framework, which serves as the roadmap for future redevelopment.

While these scenarios are conceptual, they reflect the community’s aspirations and urban design principles. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to get involved in shaping the future of the Ballpark Site!

For more information, visit our News Page and stay connected.

The Community Vision:

The future Ballpark Site is an iconic, existing destination for the neighborhood, city, and region. It is a catalyst for the transformation of our neighborhood, attracting people and development that uplifts and celebrates the area and its residents.


The Guiding Principles:

  • Neighborhood Safety and Activation / Safety in Every Stride
  • Connectivity/Interwoven
  • Natural Geography / Be Green
  • Wellness / Culture of Health
  • Community Centered / A Space for Every Face
  • Acknowledge the Past / Honor the Neighborhood’s History


It Starts With A Human-Centered Design Approach:

This project aims to translate the Ballpark Next guiding principles into physical infrastructure, vertical development, and community investments to deliver a new neighborhood heart defined by health, equity, affordability, and joy.

We are organizing these design elements into the five social determinants of health categories – economic stability, education access and quality, healthcare access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context – all critical to determining a person’s health and quality of life.


The Urban Design Framework:

The Ballpark NEXT Urban Design Framework will serve as a strategic guide for future development at the Ballpark site. It will outline critical elements like:

  • Public and private land use recommendations
  • Proposed building footprints and height
  • Programming and partnership opportunities
  • Enhancements to site connectivity and infrastructure

This framework will lay the groundwork for selecting developers, with construction expected to happen in phases over time. The Ballpark Next Urban Design Framework aims to bring the community’s vision to life through an aspirational, context-sensitive, human-centered urban design framework – ensuring that what gets built delivers a physically, socially, and environmentally healthy place for all.

Project Milestones:

    • July 2024 – Framework plan begins

    • August 2024 – Stakeholder Ideation Session 1

    • November 2024 – Stakeholder Ideation Session 2

    • December 2024 – Design presentation to RDA Board of Directors.

    • April 2025Draft Preferred Alternative and Urban Design Framework