A public grand opening of the new Salt Lake City Model Airport, including RC plane-flying demonstrations, will take place Wednesday, November 2nd.
Mayor Jackie Biskupski will offer opening remarks and cut the airport’s ribbon along with Ute RC Association President Aaron Greer. RC hobbyists will also provide flying demonstrations with their model planes.
The new airport includes ample runway space, at 60 feet wide and 550 feet long, and with a 10-foot shoulder on both sides. Amenities for RC hobbyists include a 35-foot concrete helipad and an expansive lay-down and set-up area. The airport space features seven shaded pavilions and a gravel parking area for 92 vehicles.
In addition to providing plenty of space and safety for the increasingly popular hobby of RC plane and helicopter flying, the airport will also be open for public airshows sponsored by local model airplane associations.
The aviation park is under the direction of the city’s Public Services Department and Parks and Public Lands Division. The space replaces the Jordan River Model Airport, which was closed with the opening of the Regional Athletic Complex (RAC).
WHO: Mayor Jackie Biskupski
Aaron Greer, President of Ute RC Association
WHAT: Grand opening of Salt Lake City Model Airport
WHEN: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
WHERE: Salt Lake City Model Airport, 7595 West California Ave., Salt Lake City
For ADA accommodations contact Christine Passey, Coordinator for Disability Rights for the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Office. 801-535-7110. christine.passey@slcgov.com. Please provide 48 hours advanced notice.