With May as National Bike Month, a new, free 2017 Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County bikeways map is now available at bike shops, libraries, and at municipal offices and recreation centers throughout the County.
This is the first countywide bike map in a decade, and reflects joint interests of the City and County in promoting cleaner air and health and fitness through bicycling.
“It’s been a top request for years,” said Becka Roolf, Salt Lake City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, in the Transportation Division. “When we started the redesign of a new, pocket-sized map at the request of Mayor Biskupski, Salt Lake City reached out to the County staff about collaborating.”
Meanwhile, Salt Lake County had been ramping up its focus on bicycling, particularly high-comfort bikeways suitable for families and more casual riders, and was receptive to the idea. The map shows comfort-rated routes.
“I was pleased at how many high and medium comfort routes we were able to show in the County,” said Carlton Christensen, the County’s Director of Regional Development. The County led the initiative to rate its streets and trails, with assistance from the Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City bicycle advisory committees.
Two students from the University of Utah urban planning program also volunteered, assisting with the cartography and design. Libraries and recreation centers stepped up to help distribute the map.
The Utah Transit Authority and the Utah Department of Transportation joined the City and the County in funding the printing. The final product is a pocket-sized publication that includes safety tips, rules of the road, a list of local resources, and an explanation of the route comfort-ratings.
For a digital copy of the map, as well as to find a geographically referenced PDF, please visit: