Beginning on Tuesday, Jan.30, and continuing through Feb. 14, the public can expect heavy-truck traffic while setting equipment in City Creek Canyon for the start of a four-month construction project at the City’s water treatment plant, three miles up the canyon.
The Salt Lake City Public Utilities project team opted to keep the popular canyon open during the equipment staging process, but urges people to use extreme caution while walking, running and bicycling on the narrow and curving road. Trucks transporting equipment will be outfitted with flashers for additional safety.
The demolition and construction process will run through late May. Two to three full closures of the canyon may occur during the project, but every effort will be made to provide public access.
Protecting public health and safety during the work is SLCPU’s top priority.
A routine inspection of the plant late last year determined structural damage with the roof and walls of a sub-building, which put employee safety at risk and required immediate attention.
“We had to do this work without further delay,” said Blayde McIntire, SLCPU Project Manager. “We also know how the public loves using City Creek Canyon all year long. Our intention is to keep the canyon open through nearly all of this project, but we’re asking everyone to slow down, look around and just be very careful.”
A temporary electronic sign at the canyon entrance will alert the public in case of any closures.
Updated information will also be available at:
Twitter: @SLCPU and @SLCwatershed
SLCPU watershed information: 801-483-6705