Salt Lake City school crosswalks now have new high visibility signs on existing school flashers and reflective crosswalk paint so students can safely head back to classes. The Public Services Department upgraded 88 school zone flasher signs this year that use the latest technology for reflectivity and visibility. The department is also using a new brighter and more durable paint that is embedded with reflective glass beads to increase visibility.
“We time the school zones to receive a fresh coat of paint right before school starts for the safety of everyone who uses crosswalks and roads,” said Parviz Rokhva, Streets Division director. “This work also serves as a timely reminder to drivers and students to be careful after the summer holidays.”
Each year 1,483 crosswalks are stripped and repainted in Salt Lake City, including 250 highly-visible crosswalks within school zones. Employees also paint “SCHOOL” in large letters at 350 crosswalks to remind motorists they are in a school zone.
Department employees use a total of 15,500 gallons of paint annually. This is the third year the City has used reflective glass beads. The beads increase visibility at nighttime and early mornings and do not interfere with street maintenance or snow removal.
Photos of the improved school cross walks