SALT LAKE CITY – Mayor Erin Mendenhall today issued a sixth emergency proclamation, repealing in its entirety her fifth proclamation in order to remain consistent with the Salt Lake County Health Department’s Public Health Order 2020-03, also issued today. The new proclamation reinstates Salt Lake City specific determinations from Proclamation No. 5, as well as further limiting parking enforcement in the City.
“This proclamation is intended to make it easier for both City residents and the staff of Salt Lake City to stay safe, healthy, and adhere to the county’s order,” Mayor Mendenhall said. “It’s going to take time and diligence to make sure COVID-19 doesn’t do to our city what we are seeing in many cities throughout the world and it’s heartening to have the whole county moving forward together.”
One adjustment within the sixth proclamation is the broadening of reduced parking enforcement and collection of fees. Now, in addition to allowing no time limitations on street parking to otherwise legally parked vehicles, City residents will be able to park at meters for free and without time limitations. This is intended to aid residents who live downtown to stay at home without being required to move their cars, as per the county’s health order. Any citation issued on a car parked in a metered spot between the signing of proclamation 4 on March 23 and the signing of Proclamation 6 will be dismissed.
The new proclamation maintains recent measures taken to limit entrance to the Salt Lake International Airport, and continues to allow City employees who use a City vehicle for their work to be able to take that vehicle home rather than picking it up from the workplace to drive to a worksite.