Salt Lake City

SLC Requests Community Input on Proposed Projects for New Public Lands Master Plan

SALT LAKE CITY – Salt Lake City is seeking input from residents on proposed transformative projects for its developing Public Lands Master Plan, called Reimagine Nature.

This is the second of three community engagement windows for Reimagine Nature, a master plan that will provide a guiding vision for the next 20 years for the City’s four Public Lands Divisions: City Parks, Trails & Natural Lands, Urban Forestry, and City Golf. It will use comprehensive, evidence-based analysis coupled with community engagement to prioritize and identify transformative projects for the City’s public lands to improve equity, stewardship and livability for the community. 

During this engagement window, which will run from April 1 to May 7, 2021, Public Lands staff will be on-site at City parks, trails, and other open spaces to share information about a set of transformative projects, the planning process and invite visitors to take a survey. A full list of these events, activities and community presentations can be found at the project website: Community members can also visit the site to learn about Reimagine Nature and to provide feedback through an online survey. 

The first engagement window took place between August and October 2020. City staff received more than 4,400 survey responses, spoke with more than 2,300 people at on-site “pop-up” events, and engaged with more than 250 people through community and stakeholder presentations. Over a dozen focus groups were conducted with members of traditionally under-represented populations as well as key project stakeholders. 

The City has partnered with the University of Utah’s City and Metropolitan Planning Department’s West Side Studio to engage and share the master plan information and the survey with West Side residents. 


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