July, 28, 2021
SALT LAKE CITY — Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall signed an Executive Order Tuesday aimed at preventing the continued spread of COVID-19 and protecting the health of City employees by requiring vaccinated and unvaccinated City employees and members of the public to wear a mask inside City facilities. The updated order follows new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that vaccinated individuals should resume wearing a mask when indoors.
“As a City we’ve always looked to the CDC and our health experts to guide our actions against the spread of COVID-19, and today is no different. It’s clear that cases are rising across the nation and right here in Utah. This measure we are taking is an important step in protecting everyone working or visiting a City facility,” Mayor Mendenhall said.
The executive order is similar to what the City previously had in place in May, after the state’s “endgame” legislation required the lifting of the citywide mask requirement.
City employees will be required to wear masks inside City facilities, City vehicles, or when acting within the scope of City employment indoors.
Visitors will be required to wear a face mask when they are inside a City facility.
There are exceptions within the executive order for individuals with specific medical conditions. Other exceptions to wearing a mask include:
- While actively eating or drinking, provided that the individual remains in place while eating or drinking;
- While alone or only with other members of the same household in an office, room, cubicle, vehicle, or similar enclosure;
- When communicating as or with an individual who is deaf or hard of hearing if the speaker wears a face shield or uses alternative protection such as a plexiglass barrier;
- When engaging in work authorized by the City where wearing a face mask would create a risk to the individual, as determined by government safety guidelines;
- When needed to confirm an identity;
- While outdoors and maintaining a physical distance of at least six feet from any individual from a different household; and
- Children younger than three years old.
- an individual who is not an employee who has a medical condition, mental health condition, or intellectual or developmental disability, that prevents the individual from wearing a face mask.
This Executive Order is effective July 28, 2021 and will remain in effect until otherwise amended or rescinded.
To download a copy of the Executive Order go to: http://www.slcdocs.com/mayor/ExecutiveOrder_3_2021.pdf
Tags: CDC Guidelines, COVID-19, Executive Order Requiring Masks in City Facilities, Masks in City Facilities, Mayor Erin Mendenhall