June 13, 2023
Contact: Whitney Gonzalez Fernandez
801-535-7600 –
Salt Lake City Council Adopts ‘Responsive’ City Budget, Prioritizes Affordable Housing and Homelessness
The Fiscal Year 2023-2024 adopted budget takes effect July 1, 2023
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SALT LAKE CITY – The Salt Lake City Council adopted the City’s approximately $2 billion annual budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (FY24). The General Fund, which represents $448.5 million of the annual budget, includes substantial investments in programs to address the dual crises of housing instability and homelessness.
“We’re responding to the City’s most pertinent needs through this budget,” said Council Chair Darin Mano. “The lack of affordable housing and the lack of solutions for the unsheltered are evident, and through our funding decisions—including $20 million toward affordable housing—we are catalyzing significant progress on both fronts.”
The $20 million in affordable housing funding—comprised of almost $17 million in the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) budget and over $3 million across the Housing and General Funds—creates new housing-related programs offered by the City. Programs include an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Incentive program to build new units and another to help keep existing naturally-occurring affordable housing units on the market by providing property owners with low-interest loans for necessary repairs and upgrades.
Also included in the affordable housing funding are quick-turn homelessness response solutions, including the appropriation of $500,000 for a sanctioned camping grant program.
“Residents—both sheltered and unsheltered—need to see action, and we are determined to stand in the gap until longer-term solutions roll out,” said Council Vice Chair Victoria Petro. “Our intent is not to usurp the responsibilities of other government bodies but rather to provide interim support while programs are collaboratively designed and implemented.”
The funds for this program will be in a holding account until guidelines for a successful sanctioned camping program are proposed to and approved by the Council.
Other notable items in the FY24 budget include:
- Additional social workers for the Community Health Access Team (CHAT) in the Fire Department to help meet the demand for mental health, substance abuse, and trauma assistance, and four additional employees to the Civilian Response Team in the Police Department.
- Increased funding for quick-install traffic calming measures and funding for railroad crossing feedback signs.
- An expansion to the K-12 Hive pass to add a parent/guardian of Salt Lake City School District students to the program, which provides passes to students, faculty, and staff.
- Investments in much-needed public utilities infrastructure through increased rates of 18% for water, 15% for sewer, 10% for stormwater, and 10% for streetlights.
- Additional funding to maintain sanitary conditions around encampments and in the public right of way, and biowaste removal on private property, reflecting the actual need in the last year.
- Funding for a new full-time employee (FTE) to develop a City-led air quality incentives program, funding for which has been placed in a holding account until the Council reviews program options.
- A 5% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for all City employees, helping to retain a qualified workforce that provides outstanding service to constituents.
- A pay adjustment for City prosecutors to aid retention and an adjustment to achieve pay equity between legal defenders and City prosecutors.
- Increased grant funds for small businesses negatively impacted by street construction projects.
- A consultant to develop a study for a Special Assessment Area (SAA) for infrastructure improvements and other potential business support in the Granary District.
- A new medical response team (MRT) at the Salt Lake City International Airport and six new police officers to handle emergencies and provide critical care during crises.
The Council also added $1.2 million to Mayor Erin Mendenhall’s recommended Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget, the projects for which will be discussed and selected during briefings in July and August.
To learn more about the FY24 budget, visit
About The Salt Lake City Council:
The Salt Lake City Council is the seven-member legislative branch of Utah’s capital city. The Council sets Salt Lake City’s overall policy direction and allocates resources via the adoption of annual budgets and ordinances. The Council also serves as the Board of Directors for Salt Lake City’s Redevelopment Agency, the Local Building Authority, and the Board of Canvassers. For more information, visit