Salt Lake City

mySLC launches as enhanced one-stop digital service tool for residents to submit requests, feedback 

Jan. 15, 2025

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Salt Lake City today announced the official debut of mySLC, the City’s online communication and knowledge hub. mySLC centralizes where people who live, work, and spend time in Salt Lake City can request a wide variety of services, report non-emergency issues, and share comments with City staff and officials. 

Available as a mobile app and dedicated website, mySLC is accessible on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops, giving people more options for communicating through their preferred method.

mySLC replaces the City’s previous reporting system, SLC Mobile, and brings additional user benefits such as expanded request categories, enhanced in-app language translation, and a library of reference articles on more than 120 City-related topics. mySLC also allows registered users to more closely track the status of their submitted reports, requests, and comments.  

“At the end of the day, our job as a city government is to be responsive to residents and their needs,” said Mayor Erin Mendenhall. “The new mySLC platform is easier to use and gives Salt Lakers more visibility into how City staff are actively addressing their concerns.”  

Common issues that can be reported in mySLC include: 

  • Potholes 
  • Graffiti 
  • Encampments 
  • Abandoned personal belongings 
  • Illegal parking 

Many City services can also be requested through mySLC, including:  

  • Public snow removal 
  • New street signs
  • Bike rack installation
  • Seasonal green waste container 

mySLC’s location mapping technology also allows for additional specificity to be included in users’ requests and reports, ensuring that reported issues are within the City’s jurisdiction. This mapping feature, along with the option for users to include photos and PDF attachments with their submissions, enables City staff to better understand the exact nature of users’ requests and reports. Such up-front information allows City staff to address each case more efficiently.

For more information on mySLC, including how-to videos, a feature chart, and direct links to download the app, visit  

About Salt Lake City: 
Salt Lake City is the capital and most populous city in Utah, the fastest-growing state in the country. As the hub of the region’s economy, arts and cultural sector, and sports industry, Salt Lake City is committed to fostering an inclusive, innovative, and sustainable community. For more information, visit 

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