Salt Lake City

Boards and Commissions

Art Design Board

The Salt Lake Art Design Board oversees the City’s public art program within the Salt Lake City Arts Council. As established by ordinance, the board designates certain funds for eligible construction projects to commission artwork. The Board also reviews and determines public art policy and is active in the artist selection process.

Contact Information

Public Art Program Manager Renato Olmedo-González

Agendas and Minutes

Ordinance and Governing Documents


If you are interested in serving on this committee, please fill out and submit an application online at any time. Only applications submitted up to one year prior to a vacancy date will be considered. The Mayor’s office will only contact applicants when considering them for specific appointments.

Meeting Information

First Wednesday of the month, 5:00PM – 7:00PM

Virtually: via Zoom (optional)

Physically: Art Barn, 54 Finch Lane, Salt Lake City, 84102

Member Qualifications

Mayor Erin Mendenhall appoints seven individuals, serving three-year terms, to the Salt Lake Art Design Board. One member must be an architect. The Director of the Salt Lake City Arts Council serves as an Ex-Officio member of the Board.

Residency Requirement: All members should be residents of Salt Lake City.

Powers and Duties

  • Assist Arts Council in developing City-wide plan on encourage and strengthen art and culture
  • Assess future arts construction projects
  • Place Art around construction projects
  • Foster cultural development of local artists and craftsmen

Current Members

MemberCouncil DistrictProfessionServing SinceTerm Expires
Jen Lopez2Non-profit administrator2022Aug 2025
Tiffini Porter3Self-employed2021May 2027
Nate King7Architect2024Dec 2027
Michael Mejia4Writer2021Jan 2028
Colour Maisch*5Artist2021Sept 2027

* Chairperson | ** Vice Chairperson (VACANT)