Salt Lake City

Boards and Commissions

City & County Building Conservation & Use Committee

This advisory committee advises Mayor Erin Mendenhall regarding the use, maintenance, preservation and modification of the City & County Building, including its historical fabric, and furnishings. The committee also reviews and oversees the preservation of Washington Square.

Contact Information

Laura Marshall

Office Facilitator

(801) 535-7280 or

Agendas and Minutes



Please see below for upcoming term expiration/vacancy dates.

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please fill out and submit an application online. Only applications submitted up to one year prior to a vacancy date will be considered. The Mayor’s office will only contact applicants when considering them for specific appointments.

Meeting Information

Second Monday of the month, beginning at 4:00 p.m.

City and County Building, Room 542, 451 S State, Salt Lake City

Member Qualifications

The City and County Building Conservation and Use committee is composed of eight voting members. Mayor Mendenhall, City Attorney, support services manager, and city engineer are all considered ex-officio, non-voting members of the board. The board requires expertise in historic preservation. As such, the committee is composed of a licensed architect, a member of the Utah Heritage Foundation, a member of the Salt Lake Arts Council, a Landscape Architect, a member of the Utah Historical Society, a licensed engineer, and two at-large representatives.

Residency Requirements: Appointees must be city residents.

Powers and Duties

  • Recommend policies and procedures for public use requests
  • Develop guidelines ensuring historic preservation of building
  • Advise Mayor Mendenhall on improvements and alterations to the building and grounds
  • Review and advise on the effectiveness of building operations and maintenance manual, potential contractors, and annual inspections/inspectors

Current Members

#Member NameDesignated Committee MemberServing SinceTerm Expires
1Rob PettLicensed Architect2015September 2023
2Catherine TuckerLicensed Engineer2022July 2026
3Jennifer HaleLicensed Landscape Architect2016July 2024
4Barbara MurphyMember at Large2016July
5Steven CornellUtah Heritage Foundation2013September 2023
6Anne OliverUtah Historical Society2015April
7John KempMember at Large2016July 2024
8Kathy Davis Utah Arts Council2021 July 2025