Salt Lake City

Community and Neighborhoods

(801) 535-6230

Special Events

Special Events

The City Welcomes a variety of Special Events in the downtown area to enliven the atmosphere for all of those who live, work, and play in Salt Lake.

Events include a variety of high quality, artistic, educational, recreational, and entertainment programs and activities for residents and visitors alike.

When an organization uses City property for an event, Real Estate Services must determine if the City space is open to the public or being used exclusively for the event. One criterion we consider is if the plans include the assembling of a barrier or fence restricting entrance. Another consideration is whether an entrance fee is charged. If the event is determined exclusive, Real Estate Services will enter into a lease agreement. If alcohol is part of the event, an Alcohol Concession Agreement* is necessary; this is a legal authorization to allow the event to have alcohol on City property.

*This agreement is separate from the DABC authorization.

Events Application Process:

  1. Apply through Special Event Permitting
  2. Real Estate Services will issue a lease agreement and authorization to have alcohol on city property (if needed)

For more Special Event questions, please contact: