Salt Lake City

Community Action Teams

Salt Lake City’s Community Action Teams (CATs) are a multidisciplinary approach to solving community issues at the neighborhood level.

The teams are organized along the boundaries of the city’s seven council districts. They meet weekly to discuss issues in their communities and to fashion collaborative, creative and comprehensive solutions to problems in the community.

Issues are referred to the teams from the community through the police department, city council office, mayor’s office, city agencies, or community councils. These issues range from quality of life concerns, such as parking and code enforcement, to serious public safety issues including drive-by shootings, gang houses, and drug houses.

CAT Member Login


The mission of each CAT will be to:

  • Provide a multi-jurisdictional collaborative team to effectively address crime and quality of life issues in each City Council District.
  • Provide a forum to address and coordinate individual, family, neighborhood, and system issues.
  • Maximize the use of resources to increase protective factors and increase community wellness.
  • Increase both total community and individual involvement through a comprehensive process of community organizing, mobilization, and assistance with ownership and empowerment.


If you would like to contact the CAT team working with your neighborhood, or if you would like additional information about the CAT teams, please call 535-6333, Fax 535-6331, or TTY 535-6021.