Salt Lake City

Department of Economic Development

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Open Streets and Green Loop Activations Coming to the Granary District

Open Streets will transform the Granary District into a pedestrian promenade every Friday and Saturday in September. From 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. on 500 West, between 700 and 800 South, vehicles will be diverted to make way for pedestrians. Live music, food and drink, street soccer, and kids’ activities will take place from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. 

“This is an exciting development as we bring Open Streets into the Granary District,” Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall said. “For many years, the focus in this neighborhood was industrial. Seeing it now, bustling with a variety of small businesses, fills me with excitement for our city’s future and its ability to evolve and thrive. Opportunities like Open Streets are a way to continue supporting this growth.”

“Open Streets is a wonderful opportunity for our community to unite and support our local Salt Lake businesses,” said District 2 Salt Lake City Council Member Alejandro “Ale” Puy. “By expanding this program and highlighting diverse neighborhoods and businesses, we are injecting fresh energy and expanding possibilities across the city.”

Additionally, on 500 West from 700 South to 900 South, a Green Loop demonstration will increase space for people walking and bicycling by narrowing the road. Parking and business access will remain open.

The public is invited to attend the events throughout September. Click here for more information

Located just east of Interstate 15, the Granary’s historic grit and modern refinement combine service-oriented businesses, housing, and commercial development. Rail spurs and alleys that once served manufacturing businesses have been converted into pedestrian avenues and unique public spaces. The district is characterized by its growing creative industry, which is supported by new business incubator space. The reuse of older warehouse buildings and new development create a thriving employment center.

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