Salt Lake City

Mayor's Office of Access & Belonging

Language Access: ID Cards

“I Speak” Cards

The language identification guide is a tool used to identify the language of individuals we encounter who are Limited English Proficient or who do not speak English.

“I SPEAK” cards describe a customer or client’s right to interpreter services in English and other languages. The cards signal that the bearer does not speak English well and is requesting a qualified interpreter.

LEP.GOV I Speak Cards

Language Line Solutions – Language Identification Card

As a LanguageLine Solutions client you have access to over-the-phone interpretation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use this Language Identification Card in a face-to-face situation to determine which language a person speaks. The Language ID Card lists the languages most frequently encountered in North America, grouped by the geographical region where they are commonly spoken.

To use the Language ID Card efficiently, locate the geographical region where you believe the speaker may be from. (Pacific Islands, Europe, etc.)  Show the person the languages listed for that region. The message underneath each language says: “Point to your language. An interpreter will be called. The interpreter is provided at no cost to you.”

If you are unable to identify the language, a Language Line representative will help you.

Language Line Solutions – Language Identification Card

Xris Macias, Language Access Program Manager
Office of the Mayor
451 South State Street, Room 345
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone: 801-535-6235
Fax: 801-535-6331

Servicios disponibles en español