This list represents the top languages, other than English, spoken in Salt Lake City.
The City will review and update the list of most spoken languages in Salt Lake City using data sources and tracking information from each public-facing department and trusted sources. This information is gathered from:
US Census American Community Survey 2021
Census Bureau via
Census Map ”Speaks less than very well
Salt Lake City School District
Salt Lake City Justice Courts
23.6% ages 5+ speak a language other than English
7.9% reported that they did not speak English “very well.”
14% Speak Spanish at home
SLC’s Top Spoken Languages | |
Spanish | Karen |
Chinese | Burmese |
Vietnamese | French |
Arabic | Tongan |
Somali | Filipino |
Swahili | Samoan |
Xris Macias, Language Access Program Manager
Office of the Mayor
451 South State Street, Room 345
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone: 801-535-6235
Fax: 801-535-6331
Servicios disponibles en español