Salt Lake City

Ballpark NEXT

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Ballpark NEXT’s connection to the Miller Group?

The City has partnered with the Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation to create an impact investment fund that will benefit the Ballpark Site and neighborhood with a focus on the Social Determinants of Health to improve community wellbeing and health outcomes (“Ballpark NEXT Legacy Fund”).

As of February 1, 2024, the Larry H. and Gail Miller Family Foundation has pledged $22 million to the Ballpark NEXT Legacy Fund.

Q: Can you further explain the Concept Development step?

We are trying to balance expedient redevelopment with the importance of writing and releasing the most informed and thoughtful Development RFP possible.

This Urban Design Framework RFP step is taking place prior to selecting a development partner to:

  • Ensure that the community’s Ballpark NEXT Guiding Principles are incorporated as a foundational element of the Urban Design Framework.
  • Incorporate additional community representative input checkpoints along the way to inform key design and programming decisions.
  • Utilize a team of specialists to advise the RDA on the implementation of human centered design and programming, impact investment opportunities available through the Ballpark NEXT Legacy Fund, and how to best incorporate these opportunities into the project.
  • Incorporate the multiple moving pieces of the project into a thoughtful Urban Design Framework that includes existing conditions, neighborhood opportunities, and aligns with existing engagement efforts.
  • Create a collaborative concept to inform the future RFP for a development team (or teams) to implement the project.

This step allows us to coordinate the many moving pieces, multiple stakeholders, and realities of the site to inform an Urban Design Framework, which will be utilized for the Development RFP. Basically, the Urban Design Framework allows us to determine how the project can work to achieve a collaborative stakeholder vision of success within the Ballpark Site’s physical constraints and opportunities.

Q: Will the redevelopment process be slowed down if the Bees end up extending their lease and using Smith’s Ballpark beyond the 2024 season?

We’re currently in the planning stages, and a potential extension of the Bees lease doesn’t change the steps we already have in motion as we will continue to move full steam ahead, including creating the Urban Design Framework that will ultimately inform the development of the site.

It’s important to the Ballpark community and the City that the site does not sit vacant for a significant amount of time, however a 13.5 acre site takes time to plan and develop. Once a design consultant team is selected, we’ll have a better idea of the exact timeline, but we’re aiming to have the Urban Design Framework done by fall, and will be working on an interim use plan for the site on a parallel path, so that whether the Bees continue to play there or not, there is a plan in place for additional ways to activate the space.