Salt Lake City and cities across Utah will see more small cell antennas popping up in neighborhoods to help meet the growing demand for mobile and data services. The small cell antennas will supplement existing cellular facilities such as cell towers. They are likely to be placed in areas where there is an increased demand for data.
Earlier this year the Utah Legislature passed the Small Wireless Facilities Act, which allows wireless providers to locate small wireless facilities on existing poles or install new poles in right of way (ROW) areas. A ROW is essentially the space where the road, curb and gutter, park strip and sidewalks are located. This new technology has many stakeholders and local and federal regulations are subject to change.
The law does not allow cities to prohibit the placement of the devices or poles but they can create installation standards. As usual, the Salt Lake City Urban Forester will provide direction in case any trees need to be trimmed for an installation.
The cell antennas may be attached to poles for utilities, traffic signals, street lights and to new free-standing poles. Each device will have an antenna installed at the top of the pole and a radio, power line and meter that may be attached to the pole or near it.
More information about small cell antennas can be found here