March 26, 2024
Salt Lake City will rebuild 600/700 North from 800 West to Redwood Road in 2025. The project is currently in the planning phase to replace the aging pavement and add improvements. The public is invited to an Open House from 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 28, at Backman Elementary School, 601 N. 1500 West, to see the design and learn more about the project.
The new design will improve safety, provide more comfortable facilities for people walking, biking, and using transit, and create a more welcoming corridor. The neighborhood-scale improvements will be made in balance with the regional transportation mobility needs of the area.
“600/700 North is a wide corridor. We’ve used that extra space to create a design that adds high-quality infrastructure improvements like bike lanes and wider sidewalks that better support people who walk and bike while maintaining existing travel lanes for drivers,” said Transportation Engineer Kyle Cook. “It’s not every day that we can do almost everything the community is asking for on a road project, but we have enough room to build the best of all options.”
Engagement with residents, businesses, and community organizations on the redesign has been ongoing since 2020. A survey of community members in the Summer of 2023 generated more than 1,400 comments. Trees, landscaping, upgraded bike lanes and sidewalks, traffic calming, and lighting topped the community’s wish list for improvements while speeding and safety were listed as top concerns.
“This is a major investment, and it will truly be a more comfortable and welcoming street when it’s built,” Cook said. “The City is listening and we are excited to be working with the community on a design that will transform the street for future generations while supporting neighborhood needs now.”
The design includes several strategies to address these needs, including lower vehicle speeds and narrowing the road using center medians and curb extensions, which shortens crossing distance for pedestrians at crosswalks. Landscaped buffers with trees will create shade and beautify the street while providing space between cars and people walking and biking. Additional mid-block crosswalks provide more opportunities to cross the street, and improvements to traffic signals increase safety for everyone.
The team will continue refining the design through the rest of this year. One more public meeting is anticipated before construction begins in 2025. In the meantime, Salt Lake City is looking forward to sharing the current plans with the community next week at the Open House. Dinner from El Jaripeo Food Truck and children’s activities will be provided. Information will be provided in English and Spanish.
For more information, visit or contact the project team at and 801-618-1003.
Tags: Construction, Road improvements, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall, Salt Lake City’s 600/700 North Corridor, Transportation