Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall and the Salt Lake City Council issue the following joint statement regarding the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
COUNCIL: SLC Council approves $425.5 million for FY 2023 City Budget
The $425.5 million will fund major investments in capital improvements, affordable housing and neighborhood quality of life enhancements.
COUNCIL: June 9, 2022 Meeting
The Council focused on allocating funds, and finalized as many details as possible to accommodate for the City budget, Library Fund, and Governmental Immunity, continued discussing the Capital Improvement Program and Unresolved Issues, reviewed future study items, and more […]
COUNCIL: SLC Council to host City Budget Q&A
Join Council Members Dan Dugan, Darin Mano, and Amy Fowler on Wednesday, June 1 from 1 to 2 p.m. for a live Q&A on the proposed City budget.
COUNCIL: May 24, 2022 Meeting
The Council heard briefings on several proposed budget needs from various departments and more […]
COUNCIL: SLC Council completes the redistricting process by adopting a new district map for the decade ahead
The Salt Lake City Council adopted new council district boundaries during their May 10 meeting, with a unanimous Council vote. The selected map adjusts the boundaries of six of the Council Districts (all but District 1). This new map is effective upon signature and will be in place for the next ten years.
COUNCIL: SLC Council’s budget process begins, public hearings to be held in May & June
Join us in the conversation about the City budget and services! Mayor Mendenhall will present her recommended budget on Tuesday, May 3 during the City Council 7 p.m. formal meeting. The Council meets weekly on Tuesdays between May and mid-June to discuss and fine-tune the recommended budget until its adoption in June. […]
COUNCIL: Redistricting Commission Members Selected
The Council has selected nine diverse community members to serve on the Redistricting Advisory Commission […]
COUNCIL: Community and Businesses Encouraged to Support Vaccines, Masks and to #BeCovidSafe
A Westside community push for COVID-19 vaccinations outreach took place at noon on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at the Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center. […]
COUNCIL: SLC Elected Officials to take Oath of Office on January 3
An Oath of Office ceremony to welcome new and re-elected Council Members will take place at noon on Monday, January 3, 2022, on the east steps of the City & County Building. […]