Salt Lake City

Boards and Commissions

Bicycle Advisory Committee

Bicycle Advisory Committee

The Bicycle Advisory Committee’s purpose is to advise the City’s Transportation Division, the Office of the Mayor and City Council as requested, the Transportation Advisory Board, and other boards and commissions on matters relating to bicycling in Salt Lake City.

Bicycling Vision for Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City endeavors to become a Great American Bicycling City by integrating bicycling in the fabric of the city through creating and planning infrastructure, programs, and policies for road and hard surfaced bicycling, off-road and soft surfaced bicycling, and community and economic development.

Mission of the Committee

The mission of the BAC is to promote, enhance, preserve and, where necessary, restore physical, social, political, and economic environments in which bicycling is recognized as an essential element of a clean, healthy, and vital community.

The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) meets monthly to review projects of interest to bicyclists and discuss bicycling issues. The committee advises Salt Lake City on bicycle-related matters. These include but are not limited to infrastructure development and design; public education and safety; public involvement and input; on and off-road recreation; community and economic development; sustainability; bicycling trails, parks, and pathways; bicycling-related amenities and events; the City’s multi-modal and bicycle-focused plans and policies; and the activities of other jurisdictions as they affect bicycling in Salt Lake City.

Contact Information

Salt Lake City Transportation Division
349 South 200 East, Suite 150
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(801) 535-6630

Agendas and Minutes,

The Bicycle Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB).

Bylaws and Governing Documents


As of June 2024, there are 4 vacancies on the Bicycle Advisory Committee. The committee needs representation from Salt Lake City’s westside, particularly Council District 1.  The committee would also benefit from people who ride bicycles primarily for fitness, or people who have a connection to a bicycling club or to owning / working at a bicycle shop.

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please fill out and submit an application online. Only applications submitted up to one year prior to a vacancy date will be considered. The Mayor’s office will only contact applicants when considering them for specific appointments.

Meeting Information

Third Monday of every month, 5-6:30 pm.  There is some variation due to holidays.  There are also some joint meetings with the Transportation Advisory Board in place of the regular monthly BAC meeting.

Transportation Division Conference Room, Ste 150, 349 S 200 E, Salt Lake City

Member Qualifications

  • The Bicycle Advisory Committee may be comprised of up to 13 members. Members should reflect geographic, professional, cultural, economic, gender, and neighborhood/community diversity. Members should represent a cross-section of the following bicycling interests: commuting, road/racing, recreation, fitness, mountain biking, cyclocross, bike culture, low income advocacy groups, bicycle retail and industry, bike messengers, commercial bicycle tours or rentals, non-profit education or advocacy, health, school district, economic development, sustainability, families, children, seniors, special needs, and institutions of higher learning.
  • Applicants should have an interest in promoting the use of the bicycle for transportation, health, fitness and recreation, have good interpersonal skills for working on a committee, and make a commitment to attend monthly meetings and otherwise participate in the work of the committee.
  • Members shall be limited to two consecutive three-year terms each.

Residency Requirements: No more than four members may live outside the City.  Non-residents should have a regular (close to daily) connection, either working or attending school within Salt Lake City.  Members who are not residents of Salt Lake City will be expected to serve as liaisons with their local jurisdiction or organization.

Powers and Duties

  • Work with the TAB to integrate the needs of bicyclists into multi-modal transportation projects and policies, and to forward recommendations of the BAC through the formal City process.
  • Provide recommendations to TAB, Transportation Division on bicycle-related and multi-modal Capital Improvement Projects and programs and provide yearly input on funding priorities.
  • Provide recommendations to other City Divisions, Departments, and Offices on bicycling related matters.
  • Advise and provide input on updates of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, and resulting implementation.
  • Provide a venue for public input and help act as eyes and ears for issues pertaining to bicycling in Salt Lake City.
  • Serve as a coordination body and resource for organizations and individuals interested in bicycling issues affecting the City.
  • Promote public education of bicycle issues affecting the City and its residents and visitors.
  • Maintain relationships with bicycle advisory and advocacy groups within the region, including Bike Utah, the Bike Collective, BACs or equivalent of other jurisdictions, and other groups as appropriate. Representatives from these organizations may serve on the BAC if they meet the other membership requirements. Consult with and seek input from these groups as appropriate.
  • Work together with Transportation Division and Salt Lake City staff toward the goal of becoming a Great American Bicycling City and a nationally recognized Diamond-level Bicycle Friendly Community.
  • Advise and provide input on policy, management, master plans, operations & maintenance, design standards, sustainability initiatives, development plans, rules, regulations, and ordinances related to bicycling.
  • Participate in discussions and advise on issues related to bicycling with other City boards and commissions, such as, but not limited to, the Parks, Natural Lands, Trails, and Urban Forestry Advisory Board, Business Advisory Board, and the Planning Commission, as requested or deemed appropriate.

Current Members

#MemberServing SinceCouncil DistrictTerm Expires
1Matthew Morriss – Vice Chair20222July 2025
2Ben Trueman20222December 2025
3Greta Sommerfeld20224August 2025
4Alla Chernenko20235April 2026
5Sarah Johnson – Chair20225September 2025
6Ashley Lodmell20227January 2025
7Martin Cuma20197December 2025
8Laura Lewis2022Outside SLCDecember 2025