Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City Calendar

City Council Meeting


The Council’s work session begins at 4 p.m., or immediately following the 2 p.m. Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Board meeting, and ends at approximately 6:30 p.m. Parking is available at the City Library and can be validated by Council staff. *Please confirm meeting times on agendas 24 hours in advance*

2 p.m. Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Board Meeting

The Council also serves as the Board of Directors for Salt Lake City’s Redevelopment Agency. The Board is given policy-making authority, while the Mayor serves as the Executive Director.

Zoom Information

Please note, registration is required to make a comment. Registration opens after the meeting agenda is published (at least 24 hours before the meeting starts). Click on the “Register to speak/Join meeting” link below.

Or access the meeting by visiting

  • Enter meeting number: 842 2474 2397
  • Event password: 0213

4 p.m. Work Session

The Council discusses City business and new proposals during Work Sessions. Work Sessions are listen-in only and can be accessed online through:

View instructions on how to register and what to expect during the meeting

City & County Building/Online

February 13, 2024 : 02:00 pm - 06:30 pm

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