Salt Lake City

Community and Neighborhoods

(801) 535-6230

Growing SLC

A new housing plan has been adopted. To read the plan, please visit


On December 12 2017, the Salt Lake City Council voted unanimously to adopt Growing SLC: A Five-Year Housing Plan 2018-2022, the first housing plan for the City since 2000.

The plan outlines a thoughtful strategy for ensuring long-term affordability and preservation that continues to enhance neighborhoods while balancing their unique needs. Moreover, it considers that as we grow we must build, but build thoughtfully, in a way that is sustainable, equitable and durable.

Growing SLC lays out a number of comprehensive solutions and policies to address the lack of affordable housing for households earning 40% or below the Area Median Income, including: updates to zoning regulations, removing impediments to development, innovative construction, increasing homeownership opportunities, eliminating incidences of housing discrimination, and implementing life-cycle housing principles. (Please note, that this plan serves as our State of Utah required biennial Moderate Income Housing Plan.)

Salt Lake City Data Book 2022

Describing the characteristics of Salt Lake City’s population and households at the neighborhood level reveals much more about the diversity, opportunities, and challenges within its population than does a set of citywide metrics. The tables and maps in this data book provide many opportunities to understand the city’s diverse characteristics in great detail.

Sales Tax and Affordable Housing – Funding Our Future

New revenue in the City’s Housing Stability budget will help establish long-range funding mechanisms to increase the supply of affordable housing. The City’s new Growing SLC plan identified strategies to provide low-interest loans to affordable housing developers, support down payment assistance strategies and provide case managers for those looking for affordable housing solutions.
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Growing Salt Lake City 2020 Annual Report

Per Salt Lake City’s 5 year Growing SLC Hosing Plan, attached below are documents for the annual 2020 report.

Salt Lake City 2020 Annual Moderate Income Housing Report

Salt Lake City MIHP Annual Report 2020 (MIHP Annual Report 2020 will download as a PDF with small font, you must zoom in on it to read the details).

Salt Lake City Five Year Projection Calculator 2020

Salt Lake City Administrative Approval 2020 Annual Report

5 Year Housing Plan, signed ordinance

Amendment to Growing SLC, Signed Ordinance

Growing SLC Progress Report