Salt Lake City

Community and Neighborhoods

(801) 535-6230

Real Estate Services

Real Estate Services (RES) is dedicated to the strategic management of the City’s real property portfolio. Responsibilities encompass the acquisition and disposition of City-owned properties, land use agreements in the right-of-way, and the management of surplus and leased properties. This includes right-of-way encroachments, outdoor business permits, telecommunication and franchise agreements.

RES is responsible for structuring and executing real estate and development transactions related to City-owned property. RES works closely with other City departments, businesses, developers, and community stakeholders to ensure that City real estate assets are managed effectively and in alignment with the City’s broader strategic goals.


Salt Lake City to bring family-size housing units to former police HQ

City announces new partnership to renovate the historic former Public Safety Building and build 244 dwellings, a quarter of them available as rent-to-own..

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Salt Lake City Corporation (City) will convey property located at approximately 2226 South Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah (Parcel Number: 16-20-252-006-000) and 1103 East Simpson Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah (Parcel Number: 16-20-252-004-0000) to Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (RDA).

The RDA has submitted preliminary subdivision plat application (PLNSUB2024-00518) which includes these properties. The RDA will convey a portion of its property along Simpson Avenue to the City in exchange for property within Sugarmont Drive. Because of this land exchange, the Administration will convey the properties at zero dollars. City Code 2.58.030 provides that City owned property may be conveyed at less than fair market value when conveyed to units of government or other public or quasi-public organizations.

The subdivision plat will create a Public Infrastructure parcel owned by the City for the continued use of the Parley’s Trail and other infrastructure needs. A portion of property along Simpson Avenue will be dedicated as public Right-of-Way (ROW) to provide additional width necessary to accommodate the extension of the S-Line Rail infrastructure from Sugarmont Drive to the intersection of Simpson Avenue and Highland Drive. This land will then be leased to UTA for 50 years for the construction and operation of the S-Line streetcar.

The property that will be conveyed to the RDA and the future ROW to be leased to UTA are significant parcels of real property as defined in Chapter 2.58. A public process is required for the sale and the lease of significant parcels by provision 2.58.040. This process requires class A noticing and a public hearing before the City Council

The public hearing is scheduled for December 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers 451 South State Street, Room 315. Interested persons may appear and comment upon the proposal. For more information contact Logan Hunt at or Tracy Tran at

Notice of Transfer (PDF)