Salt Lake City

Department of Economic Development

Phone: (801) 535-7200 | Email:

Construction Mitigation Grant Program


  • 2100 South (700 E – 1100 E)

Beginning Spring 2025:

  • 2100 South Median (1100 E – 1300 E)
  • 1300 East (2100 S to 3300 S)
  • 300 West Bike Lane (900 S to 300 S)
  • 300 n (700 W to 1000 W)
  • Small, independent businesses with less than 50 employees who have been adversely affected by construction from one of the four identified project areas.
  • The duration of the construction occurring near the business applying.
  • Proximity to construction, and severity of traffic disruption. Generally, businesses located within one-half block of construction site, or construction related street closure, or with construction directly in front of their business should apply.
  •  Businesses who rely on foot traffic in the area to serve their customers may also apply.

Please note that construction projects fluctuate. If you have questions about whether your business is eligible for the Construction Mitigation Grant or need more help, reach out to or phone 801-535-6433.


The Construction Mitigation Program (CMP) allows Salt Lake City to help retain existing businesses as investments are made to upgrade the aging infrastructure around them.  This is an important tool for the Economic Development Department to ensure local businesses can thrive through difficult periods of street closures and disruption. 


It is necessary for Salt Lake City to undertake major infrastructure projects that contribute to the City’s overall economic development goals with long-term benefits. However, these major projects have the potential to impact nearby businesses. Any change in traffic patterns or parking availability can affect a small business. Mitigation activities are needed to measurably assist and maintain a healthy business community and viable tax base for the municipality. Thus, a City-funded program was proposed that would provide financial assistance to businesses impacted by construction to support and reimburse costs associated with increasing awareness of businesses affected by on-going improvements or can be used to offset rent/mortgage expense due to financial hardship.

The Construction Mitigation Grant is meant to be easy to apply, deployed relatively quicky, and does not require any repayments. This grant program is to be used as a tool to mitigate the burden of any major construction projects and ensure the small business community continues to thrive despite any major disruptions.

Funding Source

The City Council allocated $600,000 for this program in the FY2025 budget.

Please note that construction projects fluctuate. If you have questions about whether your business is eligible for the Construction Mitigation Grant, reach out to or phone 801-535-6433.