Salt Lake City

Mayor's Office of Equity & Inclusion

Mayor Mendenhall declares September 11-18, 2023, Welcoming Week in SLC

WHEREAS, September 8 through 17 is observed as Welcoming Week, which is an annual celebration bringing together people and local events that celebrate the contributions of immigrants and refugees and highlight the role communities play in ensuring everyone feels welcome; and

WHEREAS, this week, we honor the spirit of unity that is bringing neighbors together across the Nation. During Welcoming Week, I invite all Salt Lake City residents to join this movement of communities nationwide by renewing our commitment to our core American values and by taking action in the spirit of welcoming. By working together, we can achieve greater prosperity and make our City the kind of place where diverse people from around the world feel valued and want to put down roots; and

WHEREAS, our community’s success depends on making sure that all residents feel welcome here. Today, new Americans and refugees are a vital part of our community — bringing fresh perspectives and new ideas, starting businesses, and contributing to the vibrant diversity that we all value; and

WHEREAS, regardless of where we are born or what we look like, we are all people, united in our efforts to build a stronger community. By recognizing the contributions that we all make to create a vibrant culture and a growing economy, we make our community more prosperous and more inclusive to all who call it home; and

WHEREAS, let us come together to build communities where every resident has the opportunity to contribute at their best. Let us come together to create more prosperous communities and to reaffirm that Salt Lake City still stands as a beacon of freedom and opportunity.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Erin Mendenhall, Mayor of Salt Lake City, proclaim September 8-17, 2023, as:

Welcoming Week in Salt Lake City

To view the electronically signed copy of the proclamation, click here.

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