Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

900 West (North Temple to 1700 South) Community Livability Project

The 900 West Community Livability Project was implemented to increase livability, safety, and mobility for all roadway users. The project transformed 900 West from North Temple to 1700 South into a complete street with one vehicle lane in each direction, a center turn lane, bike lanes, and pedestrian and transit amenities (The roadway was converted from four to three travel lanes between 200 South and 800 South and from five to three travel lanes in all other areas.) On-street parking was also added on both sides of the street between 800 and 1700 South. As part of the project, pedestrian crossing improvements were made at 700 South, 800 South, and Genesee Ave. The crossing improvements and overall project are in support of the community’s desire for a neighborhood that is walkable and livable, as outlined in the Westside Master Plan.

As part of the city’s desire to determine project impacts, traffic volumes and speed data have been tracked to determine any changes to those roadway characteristics.

Traffic Volumes and Speed Data

Traffic crashes are also being monitored to understand the impact the project is having on crashes and to help provide insights to further improve safety and livability within the corridor.

It often takes time for the traveling public to fully adjust to a new roadway configuration. Crash data collected immediately after project implementation may not provide a reliable assessment of safety countermeasures. Time is needed (about 2-3 years) before enough data is available to be representative of new roadway safety conditions.

Crashes During Construction

900 West (North Temple to 1700 South) Three-Year-After Crash Analysis