Current Projects
Street Reconstructions
Each year, Salt Lake City reconstructs numerous streets, made possible by the 2018 voter-approved Funding Our Future street reconstruction bond.
300 West Bikeway (900 South to 300 South)
Salt Lake City is designing a protected bikeway on 300 West from 900 South to 300 South. This project aims to connect existing and new bikeways, linking the 300 West and 9-Line paths to the future 400 South Viaduct Trail.
400 South Viaduct Trail
UDOT and Salt Lake City are working together to create a multi-use trail along 400 South from 900 West to 200 West, designed to offer a safe route for people walking and biking. The trail will feature art installations to enrich the area’s character and enhance the travel experience.
Livable Streets
The Livable Streets Program is working with residents to bring neighborhood traffic calming to Salt Lake City with the goal of improving the safety and comfort of your local neighborhood streets.
Neighborhood Byways
Neighborhood Byways create pleasant and convenient routes for people walking, biking, and rolling by encouraging safe travel speeds, discouraging cut-through traffic, providing safe crossings of busy streets, and connecting people to destinations.
700 South 1000 West Roundabout
Salt Lake City constructed a roundabout at 1000 West and 700 South to improve safety, reduce vehicle speeds, and increase neighborhood connectivity in Poplar Grove.
California Ave Pedestrian Safety Study
This project aims to improve pedestrian safety on California Avenue at the Glendale Drive and Concord Street intersections, near Mountain View Elementary School.
The Green Loop
The Green Loop seeks to create a 4-mile green corridor in Salt Lake City, enhancing connectivity and promoting sustainable transportation. It aims to integrate parks and green spaces, encouraging walking and biking while fostering community engagement.
Street Resurfacing
Each year, the Salt Lake City Streets Division strives to resurface 130 lane miles of roadway to prolong the lifespan of the street network.
Capitol Hill Traffic Calming
This project constructed 58 asphalt speed humps in 2023 and will add more safety improvements in 2025 in the Marmalade/West Capitol Hill neighborhood.
Crosswalk Improvements
Continuing to improve crossings across the City is vital to supporting a safe, comfortable, and accessible experience for people walking. Upgraded crosswalks offer improved visibility, increased user-friendliness, and help maintain driver attentiveness.
Bus Stop Improvements
Salt Lake City is collaborating with UTA and UDOT to enhance bus stops on 900 East, State Street, and Redwood Road. Improvements will include concrete pads, shelters, benches, and trash cans for accessibility and convenience.
Sunnyside Ave Safety Improvements
Salt Lake City is proposing safety improvements on Sunnyside Ave near 1400 East, including a landscaped median and crosswalk enhancements with flashing beacons to improve safety for pedestrians. Additionally, a westbound vehicle lane could also be converted to a bike lane.
Ballpark Station Crosswalks
Salt Lake City will install two new signalized crosswalks across 1300 South near the Ballpark TRAX station to enhance pedestrian access and safety.
400 South Safety Improvements
Residents from the Poplar Grove neighborhood proposed pedestrian safety improvements along 400 South at Goshen Street and 1000 West, which include curb extensions, red crosswalks, and flashing crosswalk signs.
Westside Neighborhoods Projects
Salt Lake City works hand in hand with Westside communities, including Ballpark, Fairpark, Glendale, Poplar Grove, Rose Park, and Westpointe, to design and implement transportation projects to improve everyday life.
Sugar House Safe Side Streets
The Sugar House Safe Side Streets project implemented traffic-calming and pedestrian safety improvements on local streets in Sugar House. These updates aim to slow vehicle speeds, reduce cut-through traffic, and create safer neighborhood streets for residents.
State Projects in Salt Lake City
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) manages roadway projects on state-owned roads in Salt Lake City. Get more information on these projects below.
I-15 Environmental Impact Statement
The Utah Department of Transportation has conducted an environmental study along the I-15 corridor between Farmington and Salt Lake City to identify solutions to transportation challenges through the year 2050.
State Street and 300 North Roundabout
The Utah Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Capitol Preservation Board and the Utah Division of Facilities and Construction Management, is building a new roundabout at State Street and 300 North, in front of the Utah State Capitol building.
700 East Shared Use Path
The Utah Department of Transportation has constructed a shared-use path on the west side of 700 East between Parley’s Trail and 1300 South. The shared-use path will establish an important regional trail connection and enhance safety in the area for pedestrians and cyclists.
Life on State
In 2024, the Life on State project improved walkways, crosswalks, and landscaping on State Street between 600 South and 800 South. Additional projects included improved bike lanes on Main Street, 200 East, and 300 East.
Completed Projects
McClelland Trail and Neighborhood Street Livability Improvements
The McClelland Trail and Neighborhood Street Livability Improvements project enhanced safety and comfort for pedestrians and cyclists along the McClelland Trail. It focused on slowing automobile traffic on several streets intersecting the trail and improving trail crossings.
Slow Down West Sugar House
This constituent-requested CIP project added speed humps and speed cushions to 600 East and several other streets in the West Sugar House neighborhood.
400 South Street Improvements (900 West – Redwood Road)
In 2023, the Transportation Division improved 400 South to enhance transit facilities and improve roadway safety. The project constructed a series of in-roadway bus boarding islands and crosswalk upgrades between 900 West and Redwood Road.
300 North Bridge
There is a new walking and bicycling bridge over the railroad tracks at 300 North and 500 West! The bridge enhances mobility and safety by providing a means to cross the tracks safely and without delays due to trains.
Emery Street Livability Improvement Pilot
Starting 2022, the Salt Lake City Transportation Division worked with neighbors to improve the safety of Emery Street through traffic calming.
900 West and California Avenue
In 2023, the intersection of 900 West and California Avenue was transformed with pedestrian safety islands that create a protected intersection – the second of its kind in Salt Lake City!
1300 South and 2100 East Traffic Calming
In late 2022, residents expressed safety concerns at the 1300 South and 2100 East intersection. In response, traffic calming measures were implemented, including speed cushions, raised crosswalks, and a speed limit reduction from 30 to 25 mph on 2100 East.
McClelland Shared Street
The McClelland Trail provides a pleasant walking and biking route in Sugar House. This project transformed McClelland Street with improvements like landscaping, traffic calming, a narrower roadway, and additional crosswalks, enhancing the area for pedestrians and local businesses.
Foothill and Sunnyside Intersection Reconstruction
The Foothill and Sunnyside intersection reconstruction project replaced aging pavement on Sunnyside Avenue, made the intersection safer for pedestrians, and connected existing bike and pedestrian trails.
20 MPH Local Streets Initiative
In June 2022, Salt Lake City lowered the local speed limit from 25 to 20 miles per hour on about 420 miles of local streets. to improve neighborhood livability and safety, as lower speeds reduce crash severity and improve overall safety.
500 North Traffic Calming
The 500 North traffic calming project constructed two raised crosswalks, a traffic circle at 1300 West/500 North, raised islands, pedestrian ramp upgrades, and two speed feedback signs to improve street safety in the Fairpark neighborhood.
Folsom Trail Project
More than 10 years in the making, the Folsom Trail helps bridge east-west connections in Salt Lake City. This 10 foot wide path was designed to be safe for all ages and all abilities – to walk, bike, and more. This is a vital connector for our neighborhoods and our businesses.
Emigration Creek Trail Connector
The Emigration Creek Trail Connector is a proposed paved, shared use pathway that would provide opportunities for utilitarian and recreational trips on foot and by bicycle between Wasatch Drive, Foothill Drive, and Sunnyside Avenue in the area near Bonneville Golf Course.
Foothill Drive Bus Stop Improvements
Salt Lake City partnered with UTA and UDOT to enhance bus stops on Foothill Drive between Sunnyside and Stringham Avenues. Improvements included accessible concrete pads, shelters, benches, and trash cans.
1000 West Corridor Plan
Salt Lake City developed a community-driven plan to improve 1000 West for all road users, promoting safety, mobility, and connectivity.
Foothill Drive and Kensington Ave Intersection Safety Project
Learn about the safety improvements Salt Lake City and the Utah Department of Transportation are making at the intersection of Foothill Drive and Kensington Avenue.