Salt Lake City

COUNCIL: April 18, 2023 Meetings

At their April 18, 2023 meetings, the Council:

  • Hosted its second Westside Council Meeting at the Utah State Fairpark
    • Dinner from International Market caterer Prime Corn and entertainment by Polynesian music and dance group Malialole Dance & Entertainment was provided as a thank-you to meeting attendees. The 7 p.m. Formal Meeting was a full house with residents sharing feedback, input and ideas directly with Council Members during the public comment segment of the meeting.  
  • Received an update from the Jordan River Commission on their progress on the “Blueprint Jordan River” plan
  • Received an update on the “Economic Revitalization Plan” for North Temple from the Economic Development Department
  • Received briefings on the proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24 budgets for the Library, Public Utilities, and Airports enterprise funds
  • and more!

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