Salt Lake City

Boards and Commissions

Police Civilian Review Board

The Police Civilian Review Board provides civilian oversight regarding the excessive use of force and other complaints, and internal police investigations conducted by the police.

The board serves a strictly advisory role in assessing citizen complaints of police misconduct and has no independent disciplinary power. All disciplinary authority is retained by the Police Chief, but he/she is obligated to consider the recommendations of the board.

If a person has filed a complaint with the Police Department alleging misconduct by a police officer, he or she is also entitled to request an investigation by the Police Civilian Review Board Investigator.

Complaints Not Involving Excessive Use Force

  • Must be filed with the Police Civilian Review Board Investigator within four (4) calendar days (96 hours) after a complaint is filed with the Police Department.
  • The Investigator may, at the board’s direction, investigate complaints about alleged police misconduct not involving the use of excessive force.
  • The board’s decision of whether to conduct an investigation on such complaints is completely discretionary.

Complaints Involving Excessive Use of Force

  • The board will automatically receive all complaints of use of excessive force by police officers and an independent investigation will always be conducted. Therefore, it is not necessary for a person alleging excessive use of force to request an investigation by the board.

Contact Information

Tonya Richardson

Civilian Review Board Investigator

(801) 535-7230 or

Christie Marcy

Board Facilitator

(801) 535-6626 or

Agendas and Minutes


Meeting Information

Quarterly and as needed, beginning at 5:00 p.m.

Plaza 349, 1st Floor Conference Room, 349 South 200 East, Salt Lake City


The Police Civilian Review Board currently has openings in most districts. You can check which district you reside in here.

If you are interested in serving on this board, please fill out and submit an application online. When the board is full, only applications submitted up to one year prior to a vacancy date will be considered.

Member Qualifications

21 members, three from each Salt Lake City Council District, serve on the Police Civilian Review Board. Each member is appointed by Mayor Erin Mendenhall, with the advice and consent of the Salt Lake City Council, to a three year term. The Board aims for balanced representation of geographical, professional, racial, gender, and ethnicity. As a result of the technical knowledge needed for this board, all members are required to complete a detailed training program. Members are also subject to a thorough background check before being appointed

Powers and Duties

The Board is intended to help foster trust between the community and law enforcement personnel.

Current Members

MemberCouncil DistrictServing SinceTerm Expires
Jessica Andrew1Nov 2017Nov 2023*
Turner C. Bitton2Feb 2019Feb 2022*
Antonio Equiel2Oct 2023Sept 2026
Kelbe Goupil2Sept 2022Sept 2025
Tom Walker3Oct 2023Oct 2026
Emina Alibegovic4July 2023Sept 2026
Justin Neville5July 2023Sept 2026
Amber Liechty6Nov 2021Sept 2024
Elizabeth Hanna6Sept 2023Sept 2026
Benjamin Raskin7Oct 2023Sept 2026

*Board member’s term is extended to allow for the recruitment and onboarding of replacement board members (City Code 2.070.050(C) .