If you’ve been given a traffic ticket, we recommend using the Traffic Resolution Information Platform (TRIP). TRIP is a website that explains what you need to do to resolve the matter quickly and effectively. By using this service, you’ll be able to follow clear instructions and avoid any mistakes. Please click the button below to begin using this platform.
ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC INFORMATION (Click on options below for additional information)
Deferred Prosecution Agreement
- Only citations issued within the past 21 days are eligible for this option.
- A deferred traffic prosecution agreement is an agreement where the prosecutor agrees not to prosecute the case if you complete the requirements of the agreement. If you successfully complete the terms of the agreement, the citation will be dismissed, no plea is required, and the citation will not be reported to the Driver’s License Division.
- If you do not qualify for a deferred traffic prosecution agreement, you may qualify for a plea in abeyance.
To learn more, click here, which will take you to a new webpage
Plea In Abeyance agreement (“PIA”) without appearing in court.
This requires that you accept responsibility (plead guilty), but the case will be dismissed and reported to the Driver’s License Division as a dismissal as long as you pay the fine amount plus a $25.00 PIA fee, complete traffic school, and have no further violations of the law during the abeyance period. To see if you qualify for the PIA, click here.
Pay your citation or make payment arrangements by contacting the court.
Making payment does not require you to complete traffic school or pay the $25.00 additional PIA fee, but it does act as a conviction and is reported to the Driver License Division. Click here if you wish to pay the citation.
Make arrangements to appear in court before a Judge.
Click here if you either want to negotiate with the prosecutor or set the case for a hearing with a judge.
“Fix It” or Equipment Violations
If you receive a citation for a “fix it”, also known as equipment violation, you have 14 days from the date of your citation to comply. You may take your vehicle to a local law enforcement officer OR a Salt Lake City Justice Court Judicial Assistant to inspect for compliance and sign off on the bottom of your citation, then either mail in the signed off citation or bring it in to court, so your citation may be dismissed. You must comply within 14 days of your citation, in order for your citation to be dismissed.
Driving Record
For more information about how a citation may affect your driving record, or points associated with different types of violations, go to the Utah Driver License division website or the Utah Point System page.
Accidents, School Zones and Speed 20+ miles over the limit
If you were involved in an accident, were cited for speeding in a school zone, or for going 20+ miles over the speed limit, and are interested in traffic school, you must contact a Judicial Assistant by phone or in person to find out if you qualify. Drivers with a Commercial Driver License are not eligible for traffic school.
Online Traffic School
If you are taking online traffic school without seeing a Judge, please click here to register.
If you have been ordered by a Judge to take online traffic school, please click here to register.
Interpreter Request
If English is not your primary language and you are unable to understand or communicate in English, the court will appoint an interpreter for you for all court hearings. You must request a court interpreter at least 3 days before the hearing, or the hearing may have to be postponed. To request a court interpreter, you may call the court at (801)535-6300, you may also email the court at: so that an interpreter may be scheduled to appear at your court hearing.
Legal Resources
Utah State Bar list of Legal Clinics
Modest Means Lawyer Referral Program
ADA Accommodation
ADA Notice: If you are a party to a case, a witness or potential juror and you need special arrangements (including communication aids and services) during an upcoming proceeding, please call the Salt Lake City Justice Court at (801)535-6300 at least three business days before the proceeding.