On Sept. 30, 2024, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) temporarily suspended the entire Woods Cross Quiet Zone after identifying four non-compliant train crossings within the zone. As a result of the suspension, routine train horn sounding must be initiated at crossings from Ogden to Salt Lake City until all crossings meet Quiet Zone regulations. […]
UTA On Demand
UTA On Demand is an on-call ride-share service that connects riders with other UTA transit services, like TRAX, FrontRunner, and buses, or destinations within the designated service area. […]
Rose Park & Fairpark Neighborhood Byway Project
The Rose Park Community Council was awarded Capital Improvement (CIP) funds for the phase of a north-south neighborhood byway in the Rose Park and Fairpark neighborhoods.
300 North Bridge Project
A new walking and bicycling bridge over the railroad tracks at 300 North (approximately 500 West) is currently being constructed.
Utah Inland Port News
Now Accepting Westside Community Enrichment Initiative Applications The Utah Inland Port recently announced an open application process for its Westside Community Enrichment Initiative. The funds provided through this Initiative are designated exclusively for projects supporting communities to Salt Lake City’s west side.