Rezone & Master Plan Amendment
675 North F Street
Capitol Park Cottages
The Council approved a request to rezone property at 675 N F Street from Foothills Residential District zoning (FR-3/12,000) to Special Development Pattern zoning (SR-1). The Council also approved a request from the property owner, Ivory Development, to amend to the “Future Land Use Map” in the Avenues Community Master Plan (1987) from “Very Low Density” to “Low Density” to correspond with their requested low-density zone.
A full description of the proposed SR-1 zone may be found in the Salt Lake City Code.
The property is currently vacant. The applicant has indicated their proposal is to construct 19 single-family homes, at least 14 of which would include Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).
Project Timeline
Council Discussion
October 18, 2022
At its Oct. 18 meeting, the Council held a briefing on this request. During the meeting, the Council talked about the impact on the surrounding neighborhoods of increasing the density of the property, how the ADUs would be incorporated into the project, as well as open space access.
Public Hearing
November 10, 2022
The Council held and closed a public hearing during which it heard comments in favor and in opposition to the proposed rezone.
Council Discussion & Council Action
December 13, 2022
The Council voted to approve the Ivory Development proposal to rezone 675 N. F Street following their final briefing on the request.
The Council’s discussion and approval centered on retaining wall height, density, and specifications that any built Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) not be used as short-term rentals, , among other topics.
The following specific requirements will be included in a development agreement:
- Accessory buildings shall not be allowed in rear yards located along the west-most property line of the subject property.
- Where the west-most property line is a rear or side property line, the second levels of any homes located along that rear or side property line shall be setback at least 30′ from the corresponding rear or side property line.
- Specify that the ADUs may not be used as short-term rentals, using restrictive covenants or another method deemed efficient and appropriate.
- The open space area shown on draft drawings will generally be accessible to the community at large, with rules/management to be established by the HOA or other entity based upon the applicant’s preference.
- Confirming that the City building approval and permitting process will be followed to build retaining walls on the property.
Learn more by reading MOTION 3 in the Council Motion Sheet.