Salt Lake City

Council District 4

Central City, Downtown, East Central

District Master Plans

A master plan details the vision, policies, and framework developed by the community that guides growth and development in a neighborhood over a period of time –usually 20-30 years. Learn how a master plan is implemented.

Downtown Plan | Adopted 2016

400 South Livable Communities Project (Transit Oriented Development) | Adopted 2012

North Temple Boulevard Plan |  Adopted 2010

Downtown in Motion, Downtown Transportation Master Plan | Adopted 2008

Central Community Master Plan | Adopted 2005

Library Square Block Plan | Adopted 2002

Creating an Urban Neighborhood – Gateway District | Adopted 1998

Gateway Specific Plan | Adopted 1998

East Central Community Small Area Plan | Adopted 1992, Revised 1993

Holy Cross Medical Campus Master Plan | Prepared 1993

1300 East University District Area Plan | Adopted 1991

East Downtown Neighborhood Plan |Adopted 1990

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