Salt Lake City

Council District 4

Central City, Downtown, East Central

Summer Home Habits

Summer Home Habits

NeighborWorks Salt Lake recently launched a newsletter of their own! Below you will find an excerpt from their newsletter detailing ways to save money in your home and stay safe during these hot summer months.

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Summer Home Habits

Implementing these habits can help you stay cool and save money.

  • Close off rooms that aren’t being used
  • Use the dryer at night
  • Turn off the lights when not needed
  • Shower in the cool hours, and take shorter showers in cooler water
  • Keep blinds closed on windows that receive direct sunlight
  • Avoid using the oven in the middle of the day
  • Turn off unused electronics
  • Open windows at night & close them during the day
  • Wash clothing in cold water
  • Water plants/grass in cool hours
  • Consider grilling rather than cooking indoors

Easy and Cheap Summer-Proofing

  • Service your AC unit – here is an excellent guide
  • Utilize fans – change ceiling fans to pull, and utilize the exhaust fan in your bathroom
  • Turn your water heater down
  • Add seals to doors to keep out heat and bugs
  • Check for cracks in seals and walls inside and out

Summer Home Improvement

These home improvement tasks can help you save even more money and keep cool. Some weatherization improvements are also eligible for rebates from Dominion Energy and Rocky Mountain Power.

  • Insulate your Attic – utilities offer incentives!
  • Add awnings over windows
  • Plant trees to provide shade
  • Replace heat-producing bulbs with LEDs
  • Invest in a programable thermostat
  • Invest in Low-e glass or window tinting
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