Salt Lake City

Council District 5

Ballpark, Central Ninth, East Liberty Park, Liberty Wells

Ballpark Station Area Rezones

The Latest

The Council recently approved the Ballpark Station Area Rezones in its May 21 meeting.

Learn more about the proposal below and visit the Planning Division’s project webpage for additional background.  


The Council recently voted to rezone properties within the boundaries of the Ballpark Station Area Plan. The rezone aims to align future land use decisions with goals identified in the Plan by:

  1. Rezoning several properties within the area of 900 S. to 1700 S. and State Street to I-15 and  
  1. Creating a new zoning district (Form Based, Mixed Use 8, or MU-8) and applying it to several properties within the area.  

The Council also approved a separate and related sign regulation request for the proposed MU-8 zoning district. Scroll down below to learn more.

Project Objective  

In the Ballpark Station Area Plan, a key strategy is to update the city’s zoning code and map to align with the plan. 

The Ballpark Station Area Plan has a Future Land Use Map for development and land use decisions. The map shows where to continue current land use, scale, and density. It also identifies areas for transformation. 

Approved Zoning Map

Visit the Planning Division’s project website for a detailed, high-quality version of this map.  

Figure 2 – Courtesy of SLC Planning 

Ballpark Station Area Plan

In 2022, the Council approved the Ballpark Station Area Plan. The Plan guides future growth in the Ballpark neighborhood. This area includes Smith’s Ballpark and the Ballpark TRAX Station. The area is roughly between 900 South to 1700 South and State Street to the I-15 freeway.   

The Plan proposes improvements to create a neighborhood hub. It aims to improve transit and boost residential, office, restaurant, and retail development. 

Learn more about the Ballpark Station Area Plan 

Sign Regulations for the Proposed MU-8 Zone

The Council recently approved new sign regulations for the proposed MU-8 zone.  The sign regulations were a separate but related request to the one to create the MU-8 zoning district. The sign regulations allow specific signs in the MU-8 zone and aim to offer suitable signage, especially for pedestrians and mass transit directions.

Learn more about the sign regulations for the proposed MU-8 zone 

Meeting Recaps

May 21, 2024 Council Vote 

During its formal meeting, the Council voted to adopt the zoning ordinances related to the Ballpark Station Area Rezones project. The Form Based Mixed Use 8 (MU-8) zoning district was established, which allows for a mix of uses for buildings eight stories or less. Additionally, the Council rezoned the properties identified by the petition, several of which were rezoned as MU-8. 

Tuesday, May 7 Public Hearing 

During its formal meeting, the Council held and closed a public hearing on the proposed rezoning within the Ballpark Station Area. The Council may consider voting on the proposed rezoning at its May 21 meeting. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024 

During its work session meeting, the Council learned about the proposed Ballpark Station Area Rezones.  

During the discussion about the proposed rezones and creation of the MU-8 zoning districts, Council Members asked why Smith’s Ballpark was not proposed to be rezoned. The Council learned the rezoning of the Smith’s Ballpark properties will be considered in a separate proposal according to the Ballpark NEXT plan, which is still in process. 

The Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing about this proposal at its formal meeting on Tuesday, May 7, at 7 p.m. 

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