Salt Lake City

Planning Division

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SLC Ballpark Station Area – Rezones

SLC Ballpark Station Area – Rezones

Zoning Map Amendment

The Ballpark Station Area Plan is a small area community plan within the Ballpark neighborhood encompassing the properties between 900 S to 1700 S, and State Street to I-15.  The plan was adopted by Salt Lake City Council in October 2022 and provides guidance for future development, and land use to support the livability and growth in the Ballpark neighborhood. The plan establishes actions, goals, policies, future land use recommendations, and implementation strategies to achieve the community’s vision for the Ballpark neighborhood.

Mayor Erin Mendenhall has initiated a petition to implement the recommendations in the Ballpark Station Area plan, and rezone properties identified within three future land use areas specified in the plan including the Heart of the Neighborhood, Main Street Area, and Jefferson Park Mixed Use Area.

The project area is predominately zoned a variety of commercial and moderate density, multifamily residential zoning districts. The majority of the existing zoning districts within the project area do not provide the development standards, density, and land uses necessary to implement the goals, strategies, and land use recommendations specified in the plan.

Zoning Map Amendments: The proposed zoning map amendments and zoning text amendments are intended to establish zoning districts that align with the goals, policies, future land use recommendations, and community vision established in the plan.

Zoning Text Amendments: The City is proposing zoning text amendments to establish a new zone, MU-8, Form Based, Mixed Use 8 Zoning District. The City is proposing associated zoning map amendments to implement the proposed MU-8 zone in the Ballpark Station Area, within the a portion of Heart of the Neighborhood and Main Street Area.

The proposed zoning map and zoning text amendments are intended to establish zoning districts that align with the goals, policies, future land use recommendations, and community vision established in the plan. The proposed zoning amendments may be modified and alternative zoning districts will be considered as the proposal progresses through the planning process.

The Planning Commission forwarded a positive recommendation for the Ballpark Station Area Rezone proposal on October 25, 2023.  Information is on the Planning Commission Agendas & Minutes page. The City Council adopted the proposed ordinances on May 21, 2024 and July 2, 2024. The ordinances will become effective upon publication. // View City Published Ordinances

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a rezone?

A rezone also known as a zoning map amendment is the public process which allows someone to request a change to the zoning that’s assigned to the property. That assigned zone establishes what can occur on the property. A change to a different zone may include allowances for different types of permitted uses on the property and also different development standards such as height, setbacks, density, parking regulations etc. A rezone must go through a lengthy public process  with the City Council making the ultimate decision.

What is the process?

The Planning Division will follow the City adoption process for zoning map amendments, which includes contacting recognized organizations and mailing notices to all property owners and residents in the study area in addition to general citizen input and public hearings with the Planning Commission and City Council. The division will also hold public engagement events in the neighborhood to provide property owners, residents and business owners a convenient way to share their comments with staff. The adoption process will also include collaboration with other City Departments. The proposed zoning amendments may be modified and alternative zoning districts will be considered as the proposal progresses through the planning process.

How does this impact me?

Changing the zoning on a property may allow for different types of permitted uses and also different development standards such as height, setbacks, density, parking regulations etc. For more information about the proposed zones please review the summary of changes on the main page where it describes the different regulations for each proposed zone. A rezone must go through a lengthy public process with the City Council making the ultimate decision.  

How can I participate?

Send us an email and let us know that you want to be on our contact list. We will update you throughout the process about upcoming public engagement opportunities. If you cannot attend those meetings you can always send an email or call the project manager Brooke Olson ( 801-535-7118) to provide feedback. All public input will be shared with the Planning Commission and City Council. 

Why did the city decide to rezone this area?

The Ballpark Station Area Plan was adopted by Salt Lake City Council in October 2022 in response to rapid development occurring within the Ballpark Neighborhood. The Ballpark Station Area Plan is a small area community plan within the Ballpark neighborhood encompassing the properties between 900 S to 1700 S, and State Street to I-15. The Plan provides guidance for future development and land use to support the livability and future growth in the Ballpark neighborhood.

Mayor Erin Mendenhall is proposing to implement the recommendations in the Ballpark Station Area plan, and rezone properties identified within two future land use areas specified in the plan, specifically, the Heart of the Neighborhood and Jefferson Park Mixed Use Area. 

The project area is predominately zoned commercial and moderate density, multifamily residential. The existing zoning lacks the recommended development standards, uses, and urban design elements necessary to achieve the goals, strategies, and recommendations specified in the plan. The proposal is intended to replace the existing zoning with zoning districts that align with the goals and policies community vision established in the plan.

How were these zones selected?

In late 2022, Planning staff met to discuss how to implement the recently adopted Ballpark Station Area Plan which will provide guidance for future development and land use to support livability and future growth of the neighborhood. 

 One of the key implementation steps identified in the plan is updating the zoning to establish a framework for future growth. Staff reviewed all existing zones in the Zoning Ordinance that would meet those goals for future growth as outlined in the plan and found that the proposed zones would best help to ensure that those neighborhood goals were met. The proposed zoning amendments may be modified and alternative zoning districts will be considered as the proposal progresses through the planning process.

Why has the city decided to only pursue changing the zone in this portion of the Ballpark neighborhood?

The Ballpark Station Area Plan extends from approximately 1700 S to the 900 S offramp and 300 W. to State St. This is a large area with various policies and goals as well as development pressure for each portion of the neighborhood. The Planning team decided that it was best to move forward with a phased approach. The areas currently being reviewed are currently under significant development pressure and because their prominent locations could have a large positive impact for the neighborhood as a whole. Once this phase is completed, the Planning Division will consider the next phases of implementing the area plan. 

Why retain RMU, RMF-35 and R-1/5,000 on certain properties in the project area?

The R-MU zoned properties within the project area have been recently developed as multi-family residential uses and it is not likely those properties will be redeveloped in the near future.

 The RMF-35 zoned properties are all city owned properties and are a part of the existing ballpark property. The zoning on those properties will be evaluated once the future use of the ballpark site is determined.

The R-1/5,000 zoned properties are located in an existing low density single-family neighborhood. The area plan did not propose zoning changes in that neighborhood. 

Why is the city not proposing to change the zoning of Smith’s Ballpark?

At the moment, the future of the ballpark is uncertain. The city is working towards finding new, creative ways to utilize or redevelop the property. Once those ideas have been formulated a new petition will be initiated to propose zoning on the property which would allow for the type of project to be developed. 

Public Outreach Event

Self-Guided Walking Tour (Past Event)

A self-guided walking tour of the Ballpark neighborhood to learn about the proposed Ballpark Station Area Rezones was held on Monday, October 16, 2023 from 4 – 6 PM. Salt Lake City Planning staff was stationed at the following information booths along the route at the Ballpark Trax Station and Jefferson Park.

  • Ballpark Trax Station, 1300 S 180 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
  • Jefferson Park, 110 Fremont Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84101
  • Jefferson Park, 1107 S 200 W. Salt Lake City, UT 84101

View Event Flyer

Next Steps

  • Application Received and Assigned – The zoning amendment application has been initiated by Mayor Erin Mendenhall and assigned to Planning Staff.
  • City Departments Review – The proposal has been routed for internal review with all pertinent City Departments.
  • Project Webpage – An informational webpage has been posted to the Planning Division’s website. This webpage provides additional information regarding the City’s proposal, frequently asked questions, next steps in the Planning process, and the project contact information. The webpage will be regularly updated with new information as necessary.
  • Public Notice – Public notice has been sent to nearby neighbors, property owners and applicable Community Councils. Notified parties are given a 45-day period to respond before a public hearing with the Planning Commission can be scheduled.
  • Public Outreach and Engagement Events – Planning staff will schedule public outreach events to answer questions, and solicit feedback on the proposal.
  • Planning Staff Review and Recommendations – During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.
  • Planning Commission – The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for additional public comments and make a recommendation to the City Council.
  • City Council – The City Council will hold a public hearing for additional public comments. The City Council will have the final decision on the matter.

Public Comments and Questions

We want to hear from you! To submit a comment or question please contact the staff planner via email or leave a voicemail, your questions will be answered within a week after the comment period has ended.

  • Start of Comment Period: September 8, 2023
  • End of Comment Period: October 23, 2023

During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable zoning standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission. Comments will be taken up until the public hearing.

Brooke Olson, Principal Planner // // 801.535.7118

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