Salt Lake City

Council District 6

Bonneville Hills, East Bench, Sunnyside East, Wasatch Hollow, Yalecrest

Coyote Tips

Coyotes are an indigenous species to Utah and are normally spotted in open spaces or suburban areas near open spaces. They are typically scared of humans and our presence is usually enough to keep them away. However, if you do have a surprise encounter, here are some tips to keep you safe.

  • Make yourself as big as possible
  • Make as much noise as you can and frighten the coyote
  • Do NOT run or turn your back on the coyote
  • If you have a dog, make sure it is on a leash or pick it up

These steps can decrease the frequency of coyote sightings if used consistently, but coyotes are quick to adapt and learn new ways of survival. Occasional sightings will likely continue. You can make it harder for a coyote to live in your neighborhood by securing garbage cans, clearing any standing water, and removing dog or cat food outside.

For more information, please visit this website.

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