Salt Lake City

Council District 6

Bonneville Hills, East Bench, Sunnyside East, Wasatch Hollow, Yalecrest

Sewer Rehabilitation Projects

This Spring, the Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities is preparing for sewer upgrades for District Six. This upcoming project will improve aging sewer lines that have served the city since the early 1900s.

Public Utilities will deliver a 14-day notice before construction begins in their respective areas to ensure a smooth transition for residents and businesses. While construction is underway, residents and businesses should anticipate increased noise and odors, with continued business access and minimal travel delays for motorists through lane closures or shifts.

Salt Lake City asks that residents refrain from parking vehicles on streets affected by the sewer project to protect personal property, minimize the overall impact on the area, and facilitate the project.

We encourage everyone to review the attached flyers for additional project details and maps of the affected areas. Your cooperation and understanding are crucial as we enhance the city’s infrastructure.

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