Salt Lake City

Council District 6

Bonneville Hills, East Bench, Sunnyside East, Wasatch Hollow, Yalecrest

Tagged ‘Environment’

What Can Be Recycled?

Posted on: June 14th, 2024

Hey, District Six! Quick recycling reminder: Recycling is beneficial for our environment, but only if we do it right. The following materials CAN be recycled in a blue bin: […]

Elektron Solar Project

Posted on: June 7th, 2024

The Elektron Solar Project, which recently became operational, is a new 80-megawatt solar farm in Tooele County. Salt Lake City is a proud partner in the project and the City’s municipal operations will now receive approximately 80% of its electricity usage from solar power.  […]

Clean Air Tips

Posted on: January 17th, 2024

Clean air is something that all of us can enjoy. In the valley, the air quality can diminish quickly during certain times of the year. Here are some tips on how we can work together to reduce air pollution. […]

Holiday Tree Collection

Posted on: December 20th, 2023

Prepare your holiday tree for the brown compost can by cutting it into 4-foot or shorter pieces. If you cannot cut your tree, place it on the curb with your regular waste pickup from Jan. 4-19 for collection. […]

Water Conservation

Posted on: November 6th, 2023

Water is an essential resource for all of us. It’s important to make sure that everyone is conserving as much water as possible. Not only does it save you money, but it keeps our environment healthy by reducing the amount of water diverted from our rivers. […]

Dark Sky Initiative

Posted on: October 30th, 2023

Light pollution is a growing concern caused by artificial lights and other man-made sources. It disrupts wildlife, impacts human health, contributes to climate change, and blocks our view of the skies. […]

Foothills Trails FAQ

Posted on: August 11th, 2023

This FAQ outlines SLC Public Lands’ work in the Foothills Trails. Answering questions on the nature of current projects, their next steps, and how citizens can become more involved.

Helping SLC’s Urban Forest

Posted on: May 8th, 2023

Arbor Day may be behind us, but in SLC, every day is Arbor Day! Our Urban Forest is only possible thanks to the support of our residents. When we help the trees thrive, they make our city thrive! Learn more about how we can all do our part.