Salt Lake City

Council District 6

Bonneville Hills, East Bench, Sunnyside East, Wasatch Hollow, Yalecrest

Clean Air Tips

Clean air is something that all of us can enjoy. In the valley, the air quality can diminish quickly during certain times of the year. Here are some tips on how we can work together to reduce air pollution.

  • Drive less – See if you can ditch your car in favor of walking, biking, or public transit. If you must drive, try to carpool and stay idle-free.
  • Go electric – Electric appliances, lawn care tools, and heating/cooling systems will help reduce pollution. Look to purchase an EV or hybrid if you are looking for a new car.
  • Skip woodburning – Wood fires during an inversion can have an outsized effect on pollution.

Remember to stay safe. Air pollution at any level is a health concern. Make sure to watch the air quality forecast and check current conditions.

For more information, visit

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