Project Overview
The 900 South reconstruction is now complete! The project extended the 9-Line Trail corridor into an attractive, safe, and inclusive place for neighbors, businesses, and street users. The new trail created a walking and bicycling connection between east and west Salt Lake City, linking neighborhoods, business districts, and cultural destinations.
Project Map
Before & After Photos
Phase One: 300 West to West Temple (Central 9th)
We recommend viewing the project hub below in its own window on a larger screen. If you are viewing it on a mobile device, turn your screen to landscape view. Also the hub works better if you click the links and images within it instead of using the side arrows.
View project hub in new window.
Phase Two: 900 West to Lincoln Street (945 East)
Use the interactive photo gallery below to view renders of the completed project.
Information & Resources
Design Concepts
Traffic and Parking Study
Traffic & Parking Study
Download the traffic and parking study information for this project below. They include the data on the 2021-2023 project’s impact on vehicular traffic and ideas for improving parking management. Note that a caveat on pages 3 and 17 explains that the proposed strategies and recommendations would only be possible with improved organization, finance structures, and staffing related to parking (and related infrastructure, management, and policies).
Public Comment Responses
Public Comments
Check out public comment and project responses below.
9 Line Trail Extension Study
9 Line Trail Extension Study
Read the 9 Line Trail Extension Study from 2018 for more background.

This project is valued at $19 million, and is financed via multiple sources of funding including an active transportation grant from Salt Lake County, RDA funds, the 2018 voter-approved Funding Our Future street reconstruction bond, and water and sewer funds (among others).
Team Talk Video (October 2020)
Contact Us
Email |
Phone | 1-844-297-6884
Transportation Engineer | Jeff Gulden | 801-535-6630
Project Engineer | Josh Willie | 801-535-6281
Hablar en español | Delfia Valenzuela | 801-535-6666