Salt Lake City


West Temple Reconstruction (North Temple to 400 South)

Responsive Margin

December 2024 Update

This project is almost complete! The final step is installing two HAWK crossing signals in early 2025. The necessary materials are on back order, but once available, the signals will be added at the crosswalks on West Temple at Pierpont Avenue and 150 South. After that, the project will be finished.


The West Temple reconstruction project has replaced the aging pavement from North Temple to Market Street and provided additional features to make the street safer for those driving, walking, and biking. Project improvements include:

  • New pavement

  • Improved crosswalks at Market Street, 300 South, Pierpont Avenue, 150 South, 100 South, and 50 North

  • Bus boarding islands near the 300 South intersection to improve bus transit efficiency

  • One travel lane in each direction will be converted to buffered bike lanes.

Download the concept design to view the full project details.


Project Map

Project Map

A graphic depicting the project extent from 400 South to North Temple.
This map details the project limits. Circles indicate locations of the intersection and mid-block crosswalk improvements.



Spring to summer 2022: Initial stakeholder and site meetings

Late 2022 to early 2023: Community input on roadway design concept

2023: Salt Lake City Engineering develops construction plans

2024: Roadway construction

Public Input

Public Input

The Downtown Alliance hosted an in-person project update meeting on Monday, April 10 at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art. Prior to the most recent project update, meetings with area businesses and property owners were held in-person November 16 and online November 17, 2022. You can view the presentation slides or a recording of the online meeting below. The project team also met one on one with many of the business stakeholders in early 2023. Public input was collected through a comment map in late 2022.

Watch a recording of the West Temple business meeting held on November 17, 2022.

View the slides presented at the West Temple business meeting on November 17, 2022.



This project is funded by the 2018 voter-approved Funding Our Future Bond and funds from the Transit – First/Last Mile category of UDOT’s Transportation Investment Fund.

Photo Gallery

Before Reconstruction

Two cars and a cyclist waiting to turn left onto West Temple at the 100 South traffic light
The West Temple and 200 South intersection with the new Salt Palace Convention Center hotel in the background.
A crosswalk across West Temple with an old style of signalized pedestrian flashing lights on each side of the road.
The current road layout of West Temple at roughly 150 South. There are three travel lanes in each direction and a center two way turn lane in the middle.

After Reconstruction

A picture of an artistic honeycomb crosswalk at the intersection of 100 South and West Temple.
A picture of the new lane configuration and concrete medians at the intersection of 100 South and West Temple.
A picture of the 300 South and West Temple intersection, complete with raised concrete medians.
A picture of a bus boarding island at the intersection of 300 South and West Temple.
A picture of the intersection of 300 South and West Temple. There is a pedestrian refuge island and bright green crosswalk striping for cyclists.
A picture of a person riding a bicycle through the intersection of 300 South and West Temple.

Contact Us

Project Manager | Megan Leether

Email |

Phone | 888-556-0232

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