Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

Design Guides and Standards

Responsive Margin

Property Development

Questions about your proposed property design can be brought into our office between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

We are located at 349 South 200 East, Suite 150, Salt Lake City, UT.

Have questions or need clarification? Give us a call at 801-535-6630.

Design Guides and Standards

Access the full Salt Lake City Codes and Standards in the Code Library here.

Off Street Parking Policy

Off Street Parking Policy

Review the Off Street Parking Policy for information regarding off street parking.

On-Street Cut-Back Parking Policy

On-Street Cut-Back Parking Policy

Review the On-Street Parking Policy to access a guide for 45 degree parking stall layout and required buffers from intersections, driveways, and sidewalks.

Driveways & Grades Policy

Driveways & Grades Policy

Review Maximum Driveway Slopes & Critical Angles – a guide for grade changes to design crest and sag curve alignment parameters per a standard passenger design vehicle.

Sight Zone Triangle

Sight Zone Triangle

Obstacles near driveways such as trees, bushes, or fences can cause poor visibility during access.

This Sight Zone Triangle document provides information on what is allowed and not allowed in this area.

Roadway Design Standards

Roadway Design Standards

E1.a1 Typical Street & R/W Cross Sections: A guide for road widths, travel lanes, parking, and sidewalk corridors of various classifications.

E1.b1 Collector Street Intersection Flare: A guide for designated left turn lane design with taper rate, deceleration stacking lane and minimum curd radius standards.

E1.c1 Arterial Street Right Turn Lane Flare: A guide for designated right turn lane design with taper rate, deceleration stacking lane and minimum curd radius standards.

E1.d1 Major Arterial Street Dual Left Turn Lane Flare: A guide for designated right and left turn lane design with taper rate, deceleration stacking lane and minimum curd radius standards.

E1.f1 Cul-De-Sac: A guide for end of road turn around design parameters.

E1.g1 Typical Minor Arterial 35 ft Radius Curb Return R/W: A guide for roadside easement area to facilitate traffic control devices at intersections.

E1.h1 Collector Street Right Turn Lane Flare: A guide for designated right turn lane design with taper rate, deceleration stacking lane and minimum curb radius standards.

E2.a1 Major Driveway Turn Lane: A guide for high volume entry/exit driveway design with taper rate, deceleration lane and curb radius standards.

E2.b1 Maximum Driveway Slopes and Critical Angles: A guide for grade changes to design crest and sag curve alignment parameters per a standard passenger design vehicle.

E4.a1 Median In-Fill Driveway Access: A guide for left-turn access development of the California Avenue median.

Parking Design

Parking Design

F1.c2 Off-Street Parking: A guide for off-street parking stalls.

Bicycle Parking Design

Bicycle Parking Design

F1.f2 Bicycle Parking Private Property: A guide to designing and siting bicycle parking facilities on private property.

F1.g1 Bicycle Parking City Property: A guide for various bicycle parking layouts and bike rack installations.

Signage Design

Signage Design

B7.a1 End of Road Closure: An End of Road warning barrier is to be provided by the developer of a subdivision with a non-continuous or partial roadway system as required per a transportation engineer evaluation.

Metered Parking Spaces

Metered Parking Spaces

F2.d1 Parking Space Installation: A guide for installing parking meter posts in relationship to curb and painted parking lines.